WAR (Web ARchive) files
creating with Ant
deploying web application as, using WebLogic Administration Console
finding out if already deployed on Tomcat
for servlets and JSPs
generating with Ant war task
opeining in WebLogic Builder to edit web.xml file
viewing contents of
war task (Ant)
classes, lib, and fileset (nested) elements
destfile and webxml attributes
WARN level logging
web applications configuring log4j mechanism
counting number of requests for
creating welcome files for
definition of
deploying on Tomcat
Ant build file, using
configuring Tomcat to point to application in external directory
deploying on WebLogic using Ant tool
using WebLogic Administration Console
using WebLogic Builder
using weblogic.Deployer command-line utility
deployment descriptor, creating for
directory structure
[See directory structure of web applications] Java-based
mapping all requests to controller servlet
packaging JSP tag file in
packaging tag library in
servlet context instance
servlet, writing for
starting on Tomcat using Ant file
stopping on Tomcat using Ant file
WAR files
[See WAR files] web browsers
[See browsers] web components
web containers
[See also Tomcat] exception handling in
web developer tasks, recipes in this book
implementation with BEA WebLogic
web directory, inclusion of nested directories in WAR file with Ant war task
web page for this book
web services
[See also Amazon Web Services; Google Web Services]2nd
Amazon and Google
Amazon, setting up
Google Web API, setting up
SOAP, using for information transfer
SOAP-based, reasons to adopt
web-app element (web.xml)
required attributes of servlet 2.4 deployment descriptor
WEB-INF directory
contents of
WEB-INF/jspf (optional directory)
WEB-INF/tlds (optional directory)
web-resource-collection elements (web.xml)
protected resources in security-constraint element
specifying security restraints
web.xml file
[See also servlet-mapping elements] BASIC authentication, initiating with JSP file
contents of
context parameter save-dir element
context-param element, adding for included file in a JSP
creating multiple mappings to a servlet
creating with JspC utility
DataSource, configuring in
declaring exception handlers in
editing for WebLogic to register a servlet
error-page attribute, mapping exception types to a JSP
error-page configuration
filters configuring in
mapped to the servlet path (example)
mapping of
mapping to a JSP
form-based authentication, setting up
form-checking filter registered and mapped in
IOExceptions, element for managing
IP blocking filter, mapping of
jsp-property-group element
JSP-type URL for a servlet
listener element
[See also listeners] configuration in servlet API 2.3
for servlet requests, registering
mapping all references to JSP pages to a single servlet
mapping servlet to a name
preventing requests to non-controller servlets
resource-ref element
restricting requests for certain servlets
servlet API 2.3
converting to 2.4 for JSTL 1.1 features
servlet API 2.4
use with Tomcat 5 and JSTL 1.1
servlet element with load-on-startup nested element
servlet that creates pop-up window
servlets without a mapping in
session timeout for all Tomcat web applications
session timeout, setting
viewing with a servlet
webapps folder (Tomcat)
creating DataSource on
configuration, steps in
JNDI lookup, using to access DataSource
JNDI resource accessing from a JSP
accessing from a servlet
configuring in
JNDI tree accessing an EJB with
precompiling JSPs in
recipes for common tasks
servlet classes and javax sub-packages
WebLogic Server 7.0 deploying individual JSP on
deploying individual servlet on
Ant file, using
editing web.xml to register servlet
redeploying web application
deploying web application on using Ant tool
using WebLogic Administration Console
using WebLogic Builder
using weblogic.Deployer command-line utility
security configuration in weblogic.xml
weblogic-ejb-jar.xml file
weblogic.Deployer command-line utility
weblogic.jspc utility
weblogic.xml file, security configuration in
webxml attribute (Ant war task)
welcome files for a web application
welcome-file-list element (web.xml)
wildcards in URL patterns
overriding with specific mappings
Windows systems launching WebLogic Builder
local variant for
PATH environment variable for javac compiler (on NT)
precompiling all JSP pages in application with weblogic.jspc
shell script for running JspC
windows, browser
[See browser windows, creating with JavaScript] wl.applications property (Ant, build.properties file)
wl.properties file (for WebLogic Ant build file)
WLCLASSPATH environment variable
word processing files, sending
WSDP (Web Services Developer Pack)