background soundtrack, embedding in a JSP
Base64 content-encoding mechanism
basedir attribute Ant jar task
Ant project element
BASIC authentication
form-based authentication, using with
using with web applications on Tomcat
web.xml elements for initiation of
BasicConfigurator class
batch file, for precompiling JSPs with Tomcat
BEA WebLogic
[See WebLogic] binary data
PDF file, sending as
word processing file, sending as
XML file, sending as
binding objects listening for binding or unbinding of session objects
Session object, to WebLogic JNDI implementation
to the ServletContext with a JSP
with a servlet
blocking filters IP addresses, blocking requests from
requests, optionally blocking
body tags (HTML)
BodyPart class
BodyTagSupport class
boundary pattern separating files in HTTP upload requests
browser windows, creating with JavaScript
in a JSP
in a servlet
browsers cookies supported by
detecting MIME type for embedded MP3 file and activating helper application to play music
displaying XML files in readable format
embedding Flash file in a JSP
JavaScript in
viewer applications for SVG files
BufferedInputStream class
build directory
inclusion of nested directories in WAR file with Ant war task
build files (Ant)
command-line sequence for executing
compiling servlet with
deploying web application (example)
edited to deploy on WebLogic 7.0
executing several targets in specified sequence
functions of
importing build.properties file into
JSP parsing, using JSTL XML tags
names other than build.xml
Tomcat Manager application, using from
transforming into HTML, using XSL stylesheet
wl.properties for WebLogic Ant file
build.properties file (Ant)
deploying web application on WebLogic Server 7.0
build.xml file
[See build files] Builder (WebLogic)