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Index: W

W3-Auth: 12.2.1. W3-Auth (MySQL & mSQL)
w command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
w command (sed): 12.5. Alphabetical Summary of sed Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
W3-mSQL: 12. PHP and Other Support for Database-driven HTML (MySQL & mSQL)
12.2. W3-mSQL (MySQL & mSQL)
12.2.3. W3-mSQL Example (MySQL & mSQL)
w3-msql system variable: w3-msql (MySQL & mSQL)
WABI (Windows Application Binary Interface): 12.2. Sharing Programs (Running Linux)
12.2.4. Windows Emulation: Wine (Running Linux)
Wafe language: 14.2.6. Interface Building Tools (Running Linux)
wait command (bash): 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
wait command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
waiting (see sleep command)
wall command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
WANTHSREGEX rule: 1.8.4. Configuration Settings and Rules (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
warn( ): 4.5.1. Automatic Versus Manual Error Checking (Programming the Perl DBI)
5.1.2. Executing Select Statements (Programming the Perl DBI)
automatic error checking: Automatic error checking (Programming the Perl DBI)
used with PrintError: 6.1.4. Common Attributes (Programming the Perl DBI)
Warn attribute: A.5. Attributes Common to All Handles (Programming the Perl DBI)
Apache::Registry module, configuring to honor: 17.3.1. Installation and Configuration (CGI Programming with Perl)
checking with -w flag: 15.3.1. Check Syntax (CGI Programming with Perl)
mod_perl, use with: 17.3.2. mod_perl Considerations (CGI Programming with Perl)
Perl syntax checker: 15.1.4. "Malformed" Header (CGI Programming with Perl)
turning on in perl: 1.2.1. Sample CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
warranty: A.14. Support/ Warranty (Programming the Perl DBI)
wasNull( ) method: 14.4. A Guest Book Servlet (MySQL & mSQL)
22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
22. JDBC Reference (MySQL & mSQL)
watch command (CVS): watch (Linux in a Nutshell)
notify file and: The notify file (Linux in a Nutshell)
watch command (gdb): 14.1.1. Tracing a Program (Running Linux) Breakpoints and watchpoints (Running Linux)
watch variable (csh/tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
watchers command (CVS): watchers (Linux in a Nutshell)
watchlog command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
watchpoints: 14.1.1. Tracing a Program (Running Linux) Breakpoints and watchpoints (Running Linux)
wc command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
WDDX (Web Distributed Data Exchange): 7.3.1. WDDX (CGI Programming with Perl)
example: 7.3.2. Example (CGI Programming with Perl)
SDK, downloading: 7.3.1. WDDX (CGI Programming with Perl)
web agent, writing with LWP: 14.1.3. LWP (CGI Programming with Perl)
web applications, creating with JavaScript: 7. JavaScript (CGI Programming with Perl)
web browsers: 4.6.4. Browsers (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
caching: 2.5.2. Caching (CGI Programming with Perl)
CGI script output: Caching (CGI Programming with Perl)
discouraging with Expires header: 13.2.1. An Example (CGI Programming with Perl)
certificates, information about: 3.2.1. CGI Environment Variables (CGI Programming with Perl)
checking for media formats supported (example script): 3.4.1. Check the Client Browser (CGI Programming with Perl)
clients, representing: 14.1. Communicating with Other Servers (CGI Programming with Perl)
compatibility with JavaScript bookmarklets: Compatibility (CGI Programming with Perl)
cookies: 5.10.2. Cookies (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
handling standard for: 11.3. Client-Side Cookies (CGI Programming with Perl)
with same name but different domains or paths, distinguishing: 11.3.1. Setting Cookies (CGI Programming with Perl)
environment variables, providing: 3.2.2. Examining Environment Variables (CGI Programming with Perl)
errors, server status codes for: 2.4.1. The Status Line (CGI Programming with Perl)
fatal error messages, displaying: 5.5.2. CGI::Carp (CGI Programming with Perl) Embperl handler (CGI Programming with Perl)
15.2.4. Trap die (CGI Programming with Perl)
HTML display specifying for (lacking JavaScript support): start_html (CGI Programming with Perl)
HTTP and: 2. The Hypertext Transport Protocol (CGI Programming with Perl)
request/response cycle: 2.2.1. The Request and Response Cycle (CGI Programming with Perl)
requests: 2.3. Browser Requests (CGI Programming with Perl)
4.1. Sending Data to the Server (CGI Programming with Perl)
icons and: 7.1.4. AddIcon (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
identification by servers, proxies and: 2.5. Proxies (CGI Programming with Perl)
image format sepcifications: 2.6.1. Media Type (CGI Programming with Perl)
imagemaps: 7.3. Imagemaps (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
invalid requests due to bad syntax: Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
JavaScript 1.2, support for: Validation example (CGI Programming with Perl)
PNG images, support for: 13.1.2. PNG (CGI Programming with Perl)
response from web server (example): 1.2. Introduction to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
trusting, security risks of: 8.2.5. Trusting the Browser (CGI Programming with Perl)
configurability of browsers: 8.2.5. Trusting the Browser (CGI Programming with Perl)
URLs, saving as bookmarks: 7.4.1. Bookmarklet Basics (CGI Programming with Perl)
User-Agent field, identifying with: User-Agent (CGI Programming with Perl)
variable values, dumping to: 15.3.4. Dumping Variables (CGI Programming with Perl)
View Source option for HTML source code: 11.2. Hidden Fields (CGI Programming with Perl)
web browsing functionality, KDE: Web browser (Linux in a Nutshell)
web document personalization with cookies: 11.3. Client-Side Cookies (CGI Programming with Perl)
web, history of: 1.1. History (CGI Programming with Perl)
web links
DBI: A.9.5. Assorted Related WWW Links (Programming the Perl DBI)
DBI drivers: B.1. Acquiring the DBI and Drivers (Programming the Perl DBI)
Perl: A.9.5. Assorted Related WWW Links (Programming the Perl DBI)
SQL: A.2.6. SQL--A Query Language (Programming the Perl DBI)
web pages, embedding Java in: 1.3.2. Alternatives to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
web redirection: 8. Redirection (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
web security, importance of: 8.1. The Importance of Web Security (CGI Programming with Perl)
web servers: 1.5. What Happens at the Server End? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
2.2.1. The Request and Response Cycle (CGI Programming with Perl)
(see also servers)
Apache web server, support for PHP language: 1.3.2. Alternatives to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
cgi-bin diretory: 1.2. Introduction to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
CGI programs, configuring for: 1.4.1. Configuring CGI Scripts (CGI Programming with Perl)
CGI scripts, mapping virtual directory to: 1.2.2. Invoking CGI Scripts (CGI Programming with Perl)
child servers, limits on: 3.6.2. MaxRequestsPerChild (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
configuring for CGI: 1.4. Web Server Configuration (CGI Programming with Perl)
copy running on a separate port for developers: 16.1.1. Plan for Future Growth (CGI Programming with Perl)
decoding form input: 4.3. Decoding Form Input (CGI Programming with Perl)
development, sharing by developers: 16.1.1. Plan for Future Growth (CGI Programming with Perl)
hosts: 2.1.1. Elements of a URL (CGI Programming with Perl)
information on: 11.3. Server Status (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
controlling access to: 3.4.5. ServerTokens (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
functions for: 14.6.19. Server Information Functions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
maximum wait for requests: 3.4.16. TimeOut (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
name and version (Server field): Server (CGI Programming with Perl)
NCSA, Apache and: C. NCSA and Apache Compatibility (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
per-server configuration: 14.2. Per-Server Configuration (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
15.3.1. Create Per-Server Config Structure (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
15.3.3. Per-Server Merger (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
15.3.4. Per-Directory Merger (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
perl interpreter, embedding within: 1.3.2. Alternatives to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
proxy servers: 1. Getting Started (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
9. Proxy Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
response to web browser (example): 1.2. Introduction to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
security (see security)
server-side includes: 10. Server-Side Includes (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
IncludesNoExec (Options directive): 3.11. Options (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
scripting modules: 12.7. Server-Side Scripting (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
status codes: 2.4.1. The Status Line (CGI Programming with Perl)
users, running as: 9.4.1. Command-Line Options (CGI Programming with Perl)
web site content, mapping to directories on: 16.1.2. Use Directories to Organize Your Projects (CGI Programming with Perl)
web sites: 1.1. How Does Apache Work? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
defined: 2.1. What Is a Web Site? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
demonstration: 0.3. Conventions Used in This Book (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
enabling SSI for all .shtml files: 6.2.1. Configuration (CGI Programming with Perl)
growth, CGI application development and: 16.1.1. Plan for Future Growth (CGI Programming with Perl)
multiple (see virtual hosts)
searching: 12. Searching the Web Server (CGI Programming with Perl)
fgrep command: 12.1. Searching One by One (CGI Programming with Perl)
grep command: 12.2. Searching One by One, Take Two (CGI Programming with Perl)
inverted index search: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
webgroup group (example): 2.4.1. Webuser and Webgroup (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
webuser user (example): 2.4.1. Webuser and Webgroup (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
WEEK( ) function: 15.1. MySQL SQL (MySQL & mSQL)
well-formed XML documents, parsers and: 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
what command: 14.2.7. Revision Control Tools--RCS (Running Linux)
whatis command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
whats_related.cgi script (example): 14.5. CGI Gateway to XML Middleware (CGI Programming with Perl)
WHERE clause: 6.6.3. The WHERE Clause (MySQL & mSQL)
13.1. The Two APIs (MySQL & mSQL)
where command (tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
WHERE SQL statement: 3.3.2. Queries and Condition Clauses (Programming the Perl DBI)
WHERE statement: 15.1. MySQL SQL (MySQL & mSQL)
15.2. mSQL SQL (MySQL & mSQL)
whereis command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
which command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
which command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
while command (bash): 7.7. Built-in Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
while command (csh/tcsh): 8.9. Built-in csh and tcsh Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
while command (gawk): 13.8. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
while loops
database records, returning with: Database querying (CGI Programming with Perl)
processing code, one line at at time: 17.1.4. Avoid Slurping (CGI Programming with Perl)
Whiteline Linux/68k: E.3. Distributions (Running Linux)
whitespace: 14.2.10. Indenting Code (Running Linux)
colcrt command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
Emacs indentation commands: 10.3.13. Indentation Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
fmt command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
tabs to/from spaces: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
whitespace in code, guidelines for: 16.2. Coding Guidelines (CGI Programming with Perl)
who command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
whoami command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
Widenius, Monty: 10.4. MysqlPerl (MySQL & mSQL)
Wiedmann, Jochen: 21.1. Installation (MySQL & mSQL)
wildcard characters
globbing: 12.1. Searching One by One (CGI Programming with Perl)
matches (*/*) in Accept header: Accept (CGI Programming with Perl)
in select command: 10.3.3. Accessing Data (CGI Programming with Perl)
wildcards: 4.8. Filename Expansion (Running Linux)
*, in ACL file: 5.5.3. Security (MySQL & mSQL)
% in MySQL security tables: The user table (MySQL & mSQL)
Win32: 1.9. Apache Under Windows (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
configuring server: 2.5. Setting Up a Win32 Server (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
DSO (Dynamic Shared Objects): 12.12. DSO (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
home directories: 8.5. UserDir (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
multiple IP addresses: 1.3.2. Multiple Sites: Win32 (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
passwords: 5.4. Passwords Under Win32 (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
restarting Apache: 3.12. Restarts (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
security: 1.3. How Does Apache Use TCP/IP? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
2.5.1. Security Under Win32 (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
time display format: 10.2. File Modification Time (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
versions of Apache: 1.7. Which Apache? (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
virtual hosts: 3.7. Controlling Virtual Hosts on Win32 (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
Win32 file systems: Database creation (MySQL & mSQL)
Win32 from ActiveState: B.1.1. Installing Modules (CGI Programming with Perl)
Perl debugger: ActiveState Perl debugger (CGI Programming with Perl)
using PPM: 10.4.1. Using DBI (CGI Programming with Perl)
Win32::DBIODBC module: 7.7. Moving Between Win32::ODBC and the DBI (Programming the Perl DBI)
history: 16.1.1. Using Netscape Navigator (Running Linux)
management: B.1.1. The Windowing System Foundation (Running Linux)
10.1. X Concepts (Running Linux)
11.1.1. xinit (Running Linux)
11.2. The fvwm Window Manager (Running Linux)
(see also fvwm window manager)
xterm (see xterm)
Window Behavior modules, KDE: 16.3.7. Window Behavior (Linux in a Nutshell)
window list, KDE: 16.2.1. The Desktop Pager and Window List (Linux in a Nutshell)
window managers
Enlightenment: 15.4.9. Configuring the Enlightenment Window Manager (Linux in a Nutshell)
fvwm2: 17. An Alternative Window Manager: fvwm2 (Linux in a Nutshell)
kwm (KDE window manager): 16.2.1. The Desktop Pager and Window List (Linux in a Nutshell)
Sawfish: 15.4.8. Sawfish Window Manager Configuration (Linux in a Nutshell)
selecting one for GNOME: Window manager (Linux in a Nutshell)
used with GNOME: 15. GNOME (Linux in a Nutshell)
X Window System: 1.5.5. The X Window System (Running Linux)
Emacs commands for: 10.3.11. Window Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
Enlightenment window manager
focus and movement settings: Basic options (Linux in a Nutshell)
focus behavior: Behavior (Linux in a Nutshell)
tooltips, displaying: Behavior (Linux in a Nutshell)
focus settings: Properties (Linux in a Nutshell)
minimizing/maximizing: Properties (Linux in a Nutshell)
placement of new: Properties (Linux in a Nutshell)
resizing and moving: Properties (Linux in a Nutshell)
tooltips, displaying: Panel (Linux in a Nutshell)
Sawfish window manager
default appearance, setting: Appearance (Linux in a Nutshell)
focus behavior: Focus behavior (Linux in a Nutshell)
minimizing/maximizing: Minimizing and maximizing (Linux in a Nutshell)
moving and resizing: Moving and resizing (Linux in a Nutshell)
placement of new: Placement (Linux in a Nutshell)
shaded: Focus behavior (Linux in a Nutshell)
tooltips, displaying: Miscellaneous (Linux in a Nutshell)
updating: Miscellaneous (Linux in a Nutshell)
Windows 95/98, dual booting with Linux: 4.2. LILO: The Linux Loader (Linux in a Nutshell)
Windows 95, memory problems running MySQL: 4.3. Running MySQL (MySQL & mSQL)
Windows emulation: 12.2.4. Windows Emulation: Wine (Running Linux)
Windows, mSQL support for: 5.3. Installing mSQL (MySQL & mSQL) Programming interfaces (MySQL & mSQL) Programming interfaces (MySQL & mSQL)
Windows NT/2000, dual booting with Linux: 4.4. Dual Booting Linux and Windows NT/2000 (Linux in a Nutshell)
Windows operating systems
accessing Unix from (see Samba)
carriage return line feed, (CRLF), use of: Outputting documents (CGI Programming with Perl)
ColdFusion language and: 1.3.2. Alternatives to CGI (CGI Programming with Perl)
installing Linux with: 2.2.1. Installation Overview (Running Linux)
Linux versus: 1.8.2. Linux Versus Windows 95 and 98 (Running Linux)
Perl slowness vs. Unix: 1.3.1. Why Perl? (CGI Programming with Perl)
Windows 98: 5.2.2. Using LILO (Running Linux) The /etc/lilo.conf file (Running Linux)
Netscape browsers sending paths to files as filenames: 5.2.4. File Uploads with (CGI Programming with Perl)
Windows NT: 5.2.2. Using LILO (Running Linux) Using LILO as a secondary boot loader (Running Linux)
Wine emulator: 1.5.9. Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS (Running Linux)
Windows OS (see Win32)
Windows partitions (shares): 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
mounting: 12.1.1. Mounting DOS, VFAT, and NTFS Partitions (Running Linux)
MTools for DOS partitions: 12.1.4. Utilities for Accessing DOS Filesystems: MTools (Running Linux)
serving: 12.1.3. Using Samba to Serve SMB Shares (Running Linux)
sharing files with Linux: 12.1. Sharing Files (Running Linux)
accessing Windows files: 12.1.2. Using Samba to Mount Directories from Windows Systems on Your Network (Running Linux)
file translation utilities: 12.1.5. File Translation Utilities (Running Linux)
sharing programs with Linux: 12.2. Sharing Programs (Running Linux)
Wine emulator: 1.5.9. Interfacing with Windows and MS-DOS (Running Linux)
12.2. Sharing Programs (Running Linux)
12.2.4. Windows Emulation: Wine (Running Linux)
WinList module, fvwm2: 17.3. A Modular Approach (Linux in a Nutshell)
17.15. The FvwmWinList: Switching the Focus (Linux in a Nutshell)
making it part of default environment: 17.15.2. Making the FvwmWinList Part of Your Default Environment (Linux in a Nutshell)
Winmodem modem: Requirements (Running Linux)
Win32::ODBC module
advantages: 7.4.2. Win32::ODBC (Programming the Perl DBI)
disadvantages: 7.4.2. Win32::ODBC (Programming the Perl DBI)
emulating: 7.7. Moving Between Win32::ODBC and the DBI (Programming the Perl DBI)
metadata functions: 7.3.3. Rich Metadata (Programming the Perl DBI)
vs.DBD::ODBC: 7.4.1. DBD::ODBC (Programming the Perl DBI)
Win32::OLE module, using ADO from Perl: 7.8. And What About ADO? (Programming the Perl DBI)
Wintcl: Programming interfaces (MySQL & mSQL)
wish interpreter: 13.5. Programming in Tcl and Tk (Running Linux)
13.5.3. Using Tcl and Tk in Other Applications (Running Linux)
word abbreviation commands, Emacs: 10.3.9. Word Abbreviation Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
word completion: 4.7.1. Word Completion (Running Linux)
word count: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
word processing: 1.5.2. Text Processing and Word Processing (Running Linux)
1.5.2. Text Processing and Word Processing (Running Linux)
9.3.4. Word Processors (Running Linux)
AbiWord application: B.4. Some GNOME Applications (Running Linux)
word substitution (csh/tcsh): 8.6.3. Word Substitution (Linux in a Nutshell)
wordchars variable (csh/tcsh): 8.4.3. Predefined Shell Variables (Linux in a Nutshell)
WordPerfect: 1.5.3. Commercial Applications (Running Linux)
9.3.4. Word Processors (Running Linux)
12.1.5. File Translation Utilities (Running Linux)
index file, checking for previous occurrence of: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
prefixes, removing: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
suffixes, automatic removal of: 12.3. Inverted Index Search (CGI Programming with Perl)
workspaces, KDE: 11.3.2. Using KDE (Running Linux)
workspaces, Sawfish window manager: Workspaces (Linux in a Nutshell)
world access bit, setting for CGI application execution: 15.1.1. Application Permissions (CGI Programming with Perl)
World Wide Web: 2. The Hypertext Transport Protocol (CGI Programming with Perl)
1.5.7. Networking (Running Linux)
16.1. The World Wide Web (Running Linux)
configuring server: 16.1.3. Configuring Your Own WWW Server (Running Linux)
documentation available on: 1.10.1. Online Documents (Running Linux)
interactive forms: 16.1.5. Building Interactive Forms (Running Linux)
writing HTML documents: 16.1.4. Writing HTML Documents (Running Linux)
wq command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
WRAP attribute: 4.2.5. The <TEXTAREA> Tag (CGI Programming with Perl)
wrapped text in text boxes, placing: 13.4.1. GD::Text (CGI Programming with Perl)
write command: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
write command (ex): 11.13. Alphabetical Summary of ex Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
write permission (see permissions)
4.13. File Ownership and Permissions (Running Linux)
write permissions (see permissions, file)
writers file (CVS): The writers file (Linux in a Nutshell)
writing: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
(see also messages)
to disk: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
to terminal: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
to users: 3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
3.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands (Linux in a Nutshell)
writing chunks of data: 5.2.4. File Uploads with (CGI Programming with Perl)
writing manual pages: Writing a manual page (Running Linux)
writing modules: 15. Writing Apache Modules (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
writing permission: 2.4.4. Unix Permissions (Apache: The Definitive Guide)
writing XML parser: 14.4. Writing an XML Parser (CGI Programming with Perl)
"wrong fs type" error: 6.1.2. Mounting Filesystems (Running Linux)
wtmp file: 8.3. Managing System Logs (Running Linux)
Wuftpd-mysql: Miscellaneous (MySQL & mSQL)
WWW-Authenticate header: Authorization (CGI Programming with Perl) WWW-Authenticate (CGI Programming with Perl)
401 status code responses and: Specifying status codes (CGI Programming with Perl)
WWW Consortium website for HTTP: 2. The Hypertext Transport Protocol (CGI Programming with Perl)
www-sql, CGI interface: CGI interfaces (MySQL & mSQL)
WYSIWYG processors: 1.5.2. Text Processing and Word Processing (Running Linux)
9.3.4. Word Processors (Running Linux)

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