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Mac OS 8.5
    events and objects 
    Personal Web Sharing and 
Mac OS 9
    Apple File Security and 
    attachability in 
    control panels, lacking dictionaries 
    desktop, Script Editor on 
    encryption and 
    event logging in 
    Finder  [See Finder OS 9]
    Open Transport and 
    OSA and 
    osaxen and  2nd 
    Save dialog (Script Editor) 
    Script Editor and 
    scripts, running 
    speech recognition and 
    startup screens, displaying 
    web sharing and 
Mac OS 9.04, ASP on 
Mac OS 9.1 
    choose application osax and 
    round osax and 
    Startup Disk control panel 
Mac OS X 
    applications, lacking dictionaries 
    applications, scriptable 
    computer command 
    desktop, Script Editor on 
    directories, path delimiters 
    file information class and 
    file types and 
    Mail application object 
    osaxen and  2nd  3rd 
    path to osax and 
    round osax and 
    running classic applets inside 
    Script Editor and 
    Script Runner and 
    scripts, saving 
    configurations, switching among 
    information about, retrieving 
        serial numbers 
    names of, setting 
    shutting down 
    users connected to 
MacOS info class (ASP) 
MacOS X applets 
    startup screen, preventing display of 
    Stay Open option (Script Editor) 
Mail application 
Make Alias option (OS 9) 
make command
    File Exchange color panel 
    File Sharing control panel 
    Finder OS 9  2nd 
    Keychain Scripting 
    Network Setup Scripting 
match against command (FontSync extension) 
match command (ColorSync extension) 
match link command (ColorSync extension) 
match options class
    FontSync control panel 
    FontSync extension 
match result class (FontSync extension) 
me constant 
measurements, calculating 
    information about, retrieving  2nd 
    used by applications, viewing list of 
    video, retrieving information about 
        default values, setting to 
        retrieving information about 
memory cache size class (ASP) 
Memory control panel
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
memory info class (ASP) 
memory settings class (Memory control panel) 
menus, path notation 
messages, setting up 
meters, converting to feet 
methods  [See subroutines]
Middle Element reference form 
middle reference form 
minus sign (-)
    - operator 
missing value predefined variable 
mod operator 
modal dialogs, displaying 
modem classes (ASP) 
modem configuration class (Network Setup Scripting) 
    information about, retrieving 
Monitor class (Appearance control panel) 
    Appearance control panel and 
    colors of, synchronizing 
    ColorSync extension and 
    information about, retrieving 
month constant 
mount now command (File Exchange color panel) 
mount volume osax 
Mouse control panel, dictionary class 
move reference to object command (Finder OS 9) 
moving files/folders  2nd 
moving folder window command (Folder Actions suite) 
moving folder window osax 
MultipleUsers class (ASP) 
MultipleUsersEnvironment class (ASP) 
my predefined variable 

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