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Save dialog (Script Editor), OS 9 
save object reference command (AppleSync extension) 
save reference to report command (ASP) 
Save/Save As options (Script Editor) 
    OS 9 
    Run-Only option 
saving scripts
    in Script Editor 
        as droplets 
        as templates 
        as text files 
    CGI scripts on web servers 
say osax  2nd  3rd 
scanners, synchronizing colors of 
scientific notation, + operator and 
Script Editor
    as target application 
    commands and controls 
    debugging in 
        Event Log 
        Result window 
    dictionaries and 
    font size/type, determining 
    line continuation character (¬) in 
    pop-up menus 
    Record button 
    saving scripts in 
        as droplets 
    uses for 
    viewing list of applications and memory 
script objects  2nd 
    child, creating 
    libraries  [See libraries]
    storing in files 
Script Runner
    adding scripts to 
    Mac OS X 
    Apple events and 
    components, retrieving as list 
    Finder OS 9 
    Finder OS X 
    Script Editor 
    Sherlock 2 
    Startup Disk control panel 
scripting additions  [See osaxen]
Scripting Additions folder  2nd  3rd  4th  5th 
scripting components osax 
    attached, opening 
    child, calling parent from 
    compiling with Terminal  2nd 
    examples in Finder OS 9 
        on folder movements 
        by spoken command 
        with Terminal application 
    folders, attaching to 
    names of, abbreviating 
    parent, calling from child 
    preventing the editing of 
    processing, delaying 
    quitting, with idle handler 
        in Mac OS 9 
        in Mac OS X 
        order of 
        on remote machines 
    saving in Script Editor 
        as templates 
        as droplets 
        as text files 
    targets of  2nd 
    termination of 
Scripts folder (Script Runner) 
SCSI address (DPM) 
SCSI devices, mounting 
Search command (Help Viewer) 
search command (Sherlock 2) 
search domain class (Network Access Scripting) 
search Internet command (Sherlock 2) 
    for file extensions 
    for lists/records/strings 
    for file types 
    help files 
    web sites 
    Keychain Scripting 
        dictionary classes 
        dictionary commands 
Security folder  2nd 
Security Software Developers Kit (SDK) 
select reference to object command (Finder OS 9) 
select search sites command (Sherlock 2) 
selecting objects 
    FTP, files/folders on 
    logging onto
        AppleShare IP 
    web, creating 
set a file reference number osax 
set command
    Apple Menu options 
    FontSync extension  2nd 
    Network Setup Scripting 
    Sherlock 2 
set keyword 
set the clipboard to osax 
set volume osax 
shadow constant 
sharable container class (Finder OS 9) 
shared item class (File Sharing control panel) 
sharing privileges class (Finder OS 9) 
Sherlock 2 
    dictionary classes 
    dictionary commands 
    properties, setting 
    tab property 
Show Event Results (Script Editor) 
Show Events checkbox (Script Editor) 
show privileges of command (File Sharing control panel) 
ShowPanel command (Apple Guide) 
shut down command (Finder OS 9) 
Shutdown Items folder 
shutdown items folder reference class (Finder OS 9) 
single quote (') 
sleep command 
    Finder OS 9 
small caps constant 
Smile (AppleScript tool) 
some reserved word 
sort command (Finder OS 9) 
sorting files/folders 
sound file class (Finder OS 9) 
sound volume, adjusting 
source code for applets 
space constant 
SpeakableItems extension  2nd 
special folders class (Finder OS 9) 
Speech control panel 
Speech Listener 
speech recognition  2nd 
    controlling sound of 
    embedded speech commands 
Speech Recognition extension 
square brackets ([]), [a] reference to operator 
Standard Suite 
    event classes and ids 
start log statement 
Start/Stop tab (File Sharing), setting access privileges 
Startup Disk control panel 
startup disk, System Folder
    Control Panels 
    Scripting Additions folder 
startup info (ASP) 
startup items folder reference class (Finder OS 9)
    Startup Items folder 
startup screen, preventing display of in Script Editor 
StartupDiskBus (ASP) 
StartupDiskLocation (ASP) 
StartupDiskName (ASP) 
StartupDiskName class (ASP) 
statements, termination of 
Stationery option (Script Editor), OS 9 
Stay Open checkbox 
Stay Open option (Script Editor) 
Stop button (Script Editor) 
stop log statement 
store script osax 
strikethrough constant 
string data type  2nd  3rd 
    built-in elements 
        considering statements 
        ignoring statement 
        white space constant 
    concatenating  2nd  3rd 
    punctuation in 
    return constant 
    searching for 
    space constant 
    storing as text 
    tab constant 
    version constant 
Styled Clipboard Text data type 
Styled Text data type 
subroutines  2nd 
    idle handler 
    open handler 
    quit handler 
    reopen handler 
    run handler 
    values, returning 
subscript constant 
suitcase class (Finder OS 9) 
summarize osax 
summarize text osax 
superscript constant 
    checking in Script Editor 
system attribute osax (OS X) 
system folder volumes class (ASP) 
System Folder, Finder application icon 
System Folder\:Scripting Additions folder 

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