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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y]

IAD (Internet Address Detectors) 
ICC (International Color Consortium) 
icons, arranging 
id class (ASP) 
ID reference form 
id reference form 
    reference forms and 
idle handler 
if statements  2nd 
ignoring statement 
Image Capture Extension 
image class (ColorSync extension) 
images, color
    ICC profile
        embedding with 
        matching to 
index class (ASP) 
index containers command (Sherlock 2) 
Index reference form 
Index Volumes window (Sherlock 2) 
info for osax  2nd 
    file information class and 
information window class (Finder OS 9) 
insertion points, referring to 
inspector window class (Finder OS X) 
Inspector windows 
integer data type 
    numbers stored as 
International Color Consortium (ICC) 
international text data type 
internationalization, language data, storing  2nd 
    configurations, switching among 
    Keychain Scripting and 
Internet Address class (Scripting Additions) 
Internet Address Detectors (IAD) 
internet location file class (Finder OS 9) 
Internet Service Provider  [See ISP]
IP addresses 
    URLs, using as 
IP class (DPM) 
is/is not contained by operator 
ISP (Internet Service Provider) 
it constant 
italic constant 
item class (Finder OS 9) 
item object command (Finder OS X) 

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