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[SYMBOL] [A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [Y]

edit action of folder command (Folder Actions extension) 
editing scripts  [See Script Editor]
eject reference command (Finder OS 9) 
    accounts, retrieving information about 
    addresses, detecting 
embed command (ColorSync extension) 
embedded speech commands 
empty/empty trash commands (Finder OS 9) 
    digital certificates and 
end transaction command (Network Setup Scripting) 
ends with operator 
equal sign (=)
    = operator 
erase reference to disk command (Finder OS 9) 
error trapping  2nd  3rd  4th 
escape character (\\\\) 
Ethernet duplex class (ASP) 
Ethernet information class (ASP) 
Ethernet link class (ASP) 
Ethernet speed class (ASP) 
event classes 
event ids 
Event Log (Script Editor) 
    debugging with 
    Apple  [See Apple events]
        zzz  [See also Event Log][See also Event Log]
    OS 8.5 
    supported in BBEdit 
Every Element reference form 
every reference form 
every reference forms 
executable files, droplets and 
Exists command (Appearance control panel) 
exists command (Network Setup Scripting) 
exists reference to keychain or key command (Keychain Scripting) 
exists reference to object command
    Finder OS 9 
    Sherlock 2 
exit statement 
expanded constant 
expansion constant 
    with comparison operators 
    parentheses (()) with 
    testing equality of 
extension files 
extension mapping class (File Exchange color panel) 
extension mappings 
extension volumes class (ASP) 
    information from 
    loading on startup 
Extensions folder 
    referring to 
extensions folder reference class (Finder OS 9) 

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