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Index: C

c_after constant : 5.13.1. Package constants
c_all constant : 5.21.1. Package constants
c_all_tokens constant : 5.22.1. Package constants
c_append constant : 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
c_before constant : 5.13.1. Package constants
c_bi_tokens constant : 5.22.1. Package constants
c_both constant : 5.13.1. Package constants
c_datemask constant
5.3.1. PL/Vision constants
6.2. Setting the PL/Vision Date Mask
c_def_length constant : 5.13.1. Package constants
c_default constant : Types of rollback activity
c_delim constant
5.21.1. Package constants
21.1.4. Managing a PL/SQL Table Log
c_dosdelim constant
5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
13.2.1. Setting the Operating System Delimiter
c_examples constant : 5.14.1. Package constants
c_go constant
5.10.1. Package constants
22.1.4. Exception Handling Actions
c_ignore_case constant : 5.21.1. Package constants
c_incr_indent constant : 5.13.1. Package constants
c_indent constant : 5.13.1. Package constants
c_int_no_change constant : 5.12.1. Package Constants
c_kw_tokens constant : 5.22.1. Package constants
c_last constant : Types of rollback activity
c_last_pos constant : 5.28.1. Package constants
c_leph constant
5.20.6. Programmatic cursor FOR loop elements
11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
11.7.2. Constructing the Execution String
c_literal constant : 5.13.1. Package constants
c_main constant : 5.14.1. Package constants
c_modname constant
5.20.6. Programmatic cursor FOR loop elements
11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
c_modspec constant
5.20.6. Programmatic cursor FOR loop elements
11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
c_no_change constant : 5.12.1. Package Constants
c_noaction constant : Types of rollback activity
c_none constant
5.13.1. Package constants Types of rollback activity
c_nonkw_tokens constant : 5.22.1. Package constants
c_nousecor constant : 5.4.1. Package constants
c_PLVlogsp constant : Types of rollback activity
c_prefix constant
5.2.3. Setting the line prefix
5.12.1. Package Constants
7.3. The Output Prefix
c_read constant : 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
c_recNgo constant
5.10.1. Package constants
22.1.4. Exception Handling Actions
c_recNstop constant
5.10.1. Package constants
22.1.4. Exception Handling Actions
c_respect_case constant : 5.21.1. Package constants
c_show_object constant
5.20.6. Programmatic cursor FOR loop elements
11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
11.7.2. Constructing the Execution String
c_stop constant
5.10.1. Package constants
22.1.4. Exception Handling Actions
c_suffix constant : 5.12.1. Package Constants
c_top_pos constant
5.28.1. Package constants Retrieving stack contents
c_unixdelim constant
5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
13.2.1. Setting the Operating System Delimiter
c_usecor constant : 5.4.1. Package constants
c_word constant : 5.21.1. Package constants
c_write constant : 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
calc_totals procedure : Integrating PLVexc with PLVtrc
calibrate procedure : 5.27.6. Calibration and timing scripts
calltype function : 6.3.1. Using the assert Procedure
2.2. Using Effective Coding Style for Packages
15.4.1. How to Find Source Code
18.1. PLVcase: Converting the Case of PL/SQL Programs
case sensitivity : 2.5.2. Making Your Programs Case-Insensitive
capture procedure
5.27.4. Capturing the current timestamp
14.2. Capturing the Start Time
case sensitivity : 2.5.2. Making Your Programs Case-Insensitive
cataloging code : 18.2. PLVcat: Cataloguing PL/SQL Source Code
cfloop procedure
5.13.10. Miscellaneous code generators
16.2.8. Generating a Cursor FOR Loop
char_name function : 5.6.3. Other functions and procedures
line separator : 7.2. The Line Separator
string :5.6. PLVchr: Operations on Single Characters
(see also strings)
checking existence
Record Found? function : 16.2.7. Generating a "Record Found?" Function
of files : 13.3. Creating and Checking Existence of Files
last PLVobj cursor record : 11.4.3. Checking for Last Record
checking input : 3.8.1. When the num_in Argument Is 0
clear_bailouts procedure
5.10.7. Bailing out program execution Managing the bailout error list
clear_pstab procedure
5.17.6. Managing the log Counting and clearing the PL/SQL table
clearecs procedure
5.28.8. Accessing the PLVtrc execution call stack (ECS) Emptying the stack
clearing : (see deleting)
client-side packages : 1.2.2. The Client-Side Layers
close_objects procedure
5.20.5. Interfacing with the PLVobj cursor
11.4.1. Opening and Closing the PLVobj Cursor
closesrc procedure
5.15.4. Managing the source repository
12.9.1. Closing the Source
closetrg procedure
5.15.6. Managing the target repository
12.9.2. Closing the Target
closing files
13.4. Opening and Closing Files Closing the file
: 5.11.8. Closing a file
PLVobj cursor : 11.4.1. Opening and Closing the PLVobj Cursor
repository : 12.9.1. Closing the Source
clrtrg procedure
5.15.6. Managing the target repository
12.9.3. Clearing the Target
(see also programming technique)
1.2.1. The Iceberg Approach to Coding
author : 16.3.2. Setting the Code Author
cataloging : 18.2. PLVcat: Cataloguing PL/SQL Source Code
compiling : 15. PLVvu: Viewing Source Code and Compile Errors
with PLVdyn package : Compiling source code with PLVdyn
consolidating : 2.9.2. Lava Lamp Code Consolidation
converting case of : 18.1.2. A Script to Convert Programs
converting to PL/SQL programs : 4.4.3. Converting Scripts to PL/SQL Programs
created during installation : 4.6. Summary of Files on Disk
customizing for users : Fitting the program to the user
debugging/testing : 22.1. The Challenge of Exception Handling
development : 3. The PL/SQL Development Spiral
displaying : 15.2.2. Setting the Code Overlap
dynamic PL/SQL : 19.5.5. Executing Dynamic PL/SQL Code
elapsed time of : 5.27. PLVtmr: Program Performance Analyzer
execution time of : (see performance)
finding source code : 15.4.1. How to Find Source Code
for testing code : 4.6.2. Contents of the test Subdirectory
5.13. PLVgen: PL/SQL Code Generator
16. PLVgen: Generating PL/SQL Programs
generation toggles : 2.6.2. Toggles for Code Generation
halting execution of : 5.10.6. Exception handlers
implementing windows : 2.7.3. Implementing the Window
layers of : (see packages)
line numbers : 16.3.8. Generating Line Numbers
overloading programs : 2.8. Overloading for Smart Packages
parallelization : Leveraging builtin packages
5.22. PLVprsps: PL/SQL Source Code Parsing
10.3.2. Parsing PL/SQL Code
parsing program name : 11.3.2. Converting the Program Name
pausing programs : 5.3.6. Miscellaneous programs
pinning into memory : Managing packages in shared memory
PL/SQL repositories : 12. PLVio: Reading and Writing PL/SQL Source Code
PLVtmr package with : 14.4. Using PLVtmr in Scripts
redundant : (see redundancy)
(see flexibilty, code)
1.2.1. The Iceberg Approach to Coding
4.1.1. The Benefits of PL/Vision
size restrictions : 1.6.4. Working with Large Packages
standard header : 16.3.3. Using the Program Header
stored : 5.29. PLVvu: Code and Error Viewing
testing/debugging : 4.1.1. The Benefits of PL/Vision
tracing : 16.3.4. Using the Program Trace
upgrades and fixes : Hide weaknesses to facilitate upgrades and fixes.
code procedure
5.29.3. Displaying stored code
15.4.1. How to Find Source Code
17.2. Current Sources of Information
code_after procedure
5.29.3. Displaying stored code
15.3.2. Displaying Code by Keyword
17.2. Current Sources of Information
codependency, package : 2.4.1. Creating Codependent Packages
columns, table : (see tables)
2.2. Using Effective Coding Style for Packages
5.13.5. Help generators
5.16.1. Analyzing PL/SQL string content plsql_string procedure
17.4.3. Creating Help Text
generating Generating help text stubs
16.3.7. Generating Online Help Text Stubs
retrieving : 17.5.3. Implementing Online Help
commit processing : 20.1. PLVcmt: Enhancing Commit Processing
incremental commits : 20.1.3. Performing Incremental Commits
toggling : 20.1.4. Controlling Commit Processing
commit_after procedure
5.7.4. Managing the commit counter
12.9.3. Clearing the Target Setting the commit point
commits : A.2.6. Builtin Packages
committing function : 5.7.1. Controlling commit activity
3.3. Supplying Backward Compatibility
3.11. Don't Forget Backward Compatibility
compile procedure
5.9.4. Data Definition Language operations Compiling source code with PLVdyn
compiling errors
15. PLVvu: Viewing Source Code and Compile Errors
5.29.4. Displaying compile errors
compiling code
1.3.6. Performance Improvement
with PLVdyn : Compiling source code with PLVdyn
conditional logic
A.1.1. Conditional Logic
A.2.1. Conditional Logic
configuring PLVfk package : 19.6.2. Configuring the PLVfk Package
CONNECT command : 7.1.2. Displaying Dates
consolidation of code : 2.9.2. Lava Lamp Code Consolidation
CONSTANT declaration : Remove hard-coded literals from your application
constants: (see literals)
convert_type procedure
5.20.8. Miscellaneous PLVobj programs
11.3.2. Converting the Program Name
PL/SQL table to database table : Transferring a PL/SQL table log to a database table
case : (see capitalization)
program name : 11.3.2. Converting the Program Name
scripts into PL/SQL : 4.4.3. Converting Scripts to PL/SQL Programs
convobj procedure
5.20.8. Miscellaneous PLVobj programs
11.3.2. Converting the Program Name
file contents : 13.7. Copying File Contents
files : 5.11.11. Copying a file
from source to target repository : 5.15.9. Miscellaneous PLVio programs
object names into table : 11.6. Populating a PL/SQL Table with Object Names
source to target repository : 12.7.2. Batch Transfer of Source to Target
cor procedure : Compiling source code with PLVdyn
counter, commit : 5.7.4. Managing the commit counter
counter, PLVcmt : (see PLVcmt package)
cover packages : 1.6.4. Working with Large Packages
CPU time : (see performance)
17.5.2. Locating Text in the Data Dictionary
: Compiling source code with PLVdyn
create-or-replace syntax : 16.3.9. Including CREATE OR REPLACE
files : 13.3. Creating and Checking Existence of Files
lists : 5.18.2. Creating and destroying lists
messages : 9.2. Storing Message Text
stacks : 5.24.2. Creating and destroying stacks
creativity : 4.1.1. The Benefits of PL/Vision
curdecl procedure
5.13.10. Miscellaneous code generators
16.2.6. Generating a Cursor Declaration
curfail procedure : 5.27.6. Calibration and timing scripts
currmod function
5.28.6. Tracing PL/SQL code execution Current module
currname function
5.20.4. Accessing the current object
11.3.1. Setting Individual Elements of Current Object
currschema function
5.20.4. Accessing the current object
11.3.1. Setting Individual Elements of Current Object
currtype function
5.20.4. Accessing the current object
11.3.1. Setting Individual Elements of Current Object
A.1.4. Cursors
A.2.4. Cursors
1.3.4. Object Persistence
1.4.1. The Package Specification
binding objects to : 11.5. Binding Objects to a Dynamic Cursor
FOR loop
11.7. A Programmatic Cursor FOR Loop
16.2.8. Generating a Cursor FOR Loop
generating declaration : 16.2.6. Generating a Cursor Declaration
PLVobj : 5.20.5. Interfacing with the PLVobj cursor
PLVobj package (obj_cur)
11.2.1. Cursor Into ALL_OBJECTS
11.4.1. Opening and Closing the PLVobj Cursor
cursucc procedure : 5.27.6. Calibration and timing scripts
customizing parsing delimiter : 10.1.2. Customizing the Delimiter Set
customizing programs for users : Fitting the program to the user

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