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Index: S

save procedure : 5.25.7. Saving and restoring settings
savepoints : 20.2.3. Setting Savepoints
PLVlog : How PLVlog manages the transaction
savesrc procedure : 5.15.8. Saving and restoring repository settings
savetrg procedure : 5.15.8. Saving and restoring repository settings
message text : 9.2. Storing Message Text
PL/SQL objects : 11.3.4. Saving and Restoring the Current Object
repository settings
12.8. Saving and Restoring Settings
5.15.8. Saving and restoring repository settings
table settings : 5.25.7. Saving and restoring settings
viewing stored code : 5.29. PLVvu: Code and Error Viewing
saving_src function : 5.15.8. Saving and restoring repository settings
saving_trg function : 5.15.8. Saving and restoring repository settings
scanning strings : 5.16.2. Scanning PL/SQL strings
schema : (see DDL)
schema procedure : 5.8.3. Dumping the DDL
schemas, PLVdyn and : 19.5.10. Executing PLVdyn in Different Schemas
scope : 3.8. Broadening the Scope
scripts : (see code)
searching for help text : 17.5.2. Locating Text in the Data Dictionary
searching for source code : 15.4.1. How to Find Source Code
security : Isolate volatile areas of functionality
access : (see access)
transaction integrity : 1.3.5. Guaranteeing Transaction Integrity
SELECT statement Isolate volatile areas of functionality
12.4.1. Viewing the Current Source SELECT
sendto procedure
5.17.3. Selecting the log type
21.1.3. Selecting the Log Type
seq procedure : 5.8.3. Dumping the DDL
server, allowing file access to : 13.1.1. Enabling File Access in the Oracle Server
SET PAGESIZE command : 17.5.6. Page Pausing with PLVhlp.more
SET PAUSE ON command : 17.5.6. Page Pausing with PLVhlp.more
SET SERVEROUTPUT command : 7.1.2. Displaying Dates
set_author procedure
5.13.3. Setting the author
16.3.2. Setting the Code Author
set_context procedure : Setting the context
set_datemask function : 6.2. Setting the PL/Vision Date Mask
set_datemask procedure : 5.3.3. Setting the date format mask
set_dbtab procedure
5.17.6. Managing the log Defining the database log table
set_delim procedure
5.11.3. Setting the operating system delimiter
13.2.1. Setting the Operating System Delimiter
set_dir procedure
5.11.4. Setting the default directory or location
13.2.2. Setting the Default Directory
set_factor procedure
5.27.3. Setting the factoring value
14.3.3. Setting the Timing Factor
set_id_default procedure
5.12.2. Setting the PLVfk configuration Setting column name defaults
set_indent procedure : 16.3.1. Indentation in PLVgen
set_line_limit procedure
5.15.5. Managing the source WHERE clause
12.4.3. Setting a Line Limit
set_linesep procedure
5.2.2. Setting the line separator
7.2. The Line Separator
set_name procedure : 11.3.1. Setting Individual Elements of Current Object
set_nm_default procedure
5.12.2. Setting the PLVfk configuration Setting column name defaults
set_nullval function : 6.1. Null Substitution Value
set_nullval procedure : 5.3.4. Setting the NULL substitution value
set_object procedure : 15.4.1. How to Find Source Code
set_overlap procedure
5.29.2. Setting the overlap
15.2.2. Setting the Code Overlap
set_pagesize procedure
5.14.2. Setting the page size
17.4.2. Setting the Page Size
set_prefix procedure
5.2.3. Setting the line prefix
5.25.6. Setting the row prefix
7.3. The Output Prefix
8.5. Setting the Display Prefix
set_repeats procedure : 5.27.2. Setting the repetition value
set_savepoint procedure
5.23.4. Managing savepoints
20.2.3. Setting Savepoints
set_schema procedure : 11.3.1. Setting Individual Elements of Current Object
set_sp procedure
5.17.7. Rolling back in PLVlog Setting the post-insert savepoint
set_srcwhere procedure
5.15.5. Managing the source WHERE clause
12.4.2. Changing the WHERE Clause
set_type procedure : 11.3.1. Setting Individual Elements of Current Object
set_vclen procedure
5.12.2. Setting the PLVfk configuration Setting the default string length
setcase script : 18.1.2. A Script to Convert Programs
setcurr procedure : 11.3. Setting the Current Object
setsrc procedure
5.15.4. Managing the source repository
12.2.1. String Source or Target
12.3.1. Setting the Source
12.3.3. Using setsrc and initsrc
settrg procedure
5.15.6. Managing the target repository
12.5. Managing the Target Repository
setup.exe file : 4.3.3. Beginning the Installation
SGA (System Global Area)
1.4.3. The Memory-Resident Architecture of Packages
1.6.3. The Initialization Section
DBMS_PIPE package and : Leveraging builtin packages
shared memory : (see memory)
SHARED_POOL_SIZE constant : Managing packages in shared memory
sharing PL/Vision : 4.3.6. Granting Access to PL/Vision
SHOW ERRORS command : 15.1.2. What SHOW ERRORS Does
show procedure
17.4.1. Showing the Help Text
5.28.7. Displaying an activity trace
17.5.5. Constructing an Online Help Package
21.2.3. Tracing Code Execution Showing errors
show_elapsed procedure
5.27.5. Retrieving and displaying elapsed time
14.3.2. show_elapsed Procedure
show_string procedure : 5.6.3. Other functions and procedures
show_table procedure : 5.6.3. Other functions and procedures
showblk procedure : 5.25.5. Toggle for showing blanks in row
showcurr procedure
5.20.4. Accessing the current object
11.3.3. Displaying the Current Object
showecs procedure
5.28.8. Accessing the PLVtrc execution call stack (ECS) Displaying the stack
showerr procedure : (see err procedure)
showhdr procedure : 5.25.3. Toggle for showing header
showhelp procedure : 17.5.4. Building a SQL*Plus Help Script
showing function
5.9.1. Tracing PLVdyn activity
19.5.9. Tracing Use of Dynamic SQL Showing errors
showing_header function : 5.25.3. Toggle for showing header
showing_row function : 5.25.4. Toggle for showing row numbers
showlog.sql script : Retrieving log data from PL/SQL table
showrow procedure : 5.25.4. Toggle for showing row numbers
showsql procedure
5.9.1. Tracing PLVdyn activity
19.5.9. Tracing Use of Dynamic SQL
shutting down programs : 22.1.10. Bailing Out with PLVexc
message text : 9.5.1. Using PLVmsg in PL/Vision
online documentation page
17.4.2. Setting the Page Size Maintaining the current page variables
online help page : 5.14.2. Setting the page size
package : 1.6.4. Working with Large Packages
source WHERE clause : 12.4.3. Setting a Line Limit
SLEEP procedure : A futile first effort
"snapshot too old" error : Commit processing challenges
snapshot_too_old exception : 5.10.2. Package-based exceptions
SNAPSHOT_TOO_OLD exception : 22.1.2. Package-Based Exceptions
software : (see code)
source code : (see code)
source repository
5.15.3. Source and target repository type functions
12.3. Managing the Source Repository
12.6. Reading From the Source
12.9.1. Closing the Source
source WHERE clause : 12.4. The Source WHERE Clause
sp_timer package
1.6.2. The Package Body
14. PLVtmr: Analyzing Program Performance
space : (see memory)
specification, package
1.4.1. The Package Specification
1.6. Building Packages
speed : (see performance)
SQL language
building applications on : 1.2. What Are the Types and Layers of Packages?
calling functions in : 1.6.5. Calling Packaged Functions in SQL
SQL statements : Isolate volatile areas of functionality
compiling code in : 15.1. Compiling PL/SQL Code in SQL*Plus
help script : 17.5.4. Building a SQL*Plus Help Script
initializing : 4.4.2. A PL/Vision Initialization Script for SQL*Plus
scripts included on disk : 4.6. Summary of Files on Disk
SQLERRM function : 6.4.2. Obtaining the Error Message
src2trg procedure
5.15.9. Miscellaneous PLVio programs
12.7.2. Batch Transfer of Source to Target
srcselect function
5.15.4. Managing the source repository
12.4.1. Viewing the Current Source SELECT
5.24. PLVstk: Stack Manager
5.28.5. Accessing the PL/SQL call stack
ECS : 5.28.8. Accessing the PLVtrc execution call stack (ECS)
PLVtrc execution : 21.2.4. The PLVtrc Program Stack
PL/SQL call : 21.2.2. Accessing the PL/SQL Call Stack
standalone elements, bundling into packages : Clean up a bewildering mass of standalone functions and procedures
standard output : 12.2.5. Standard Output Target
STANDARD package : 1.1. What Is a PL/SQL Package?
standards, coding : 4.1.1. The Benefits of PL/Vision
start time (timer) : 14.2. Capturing the Start Time
startcmnt function : Functions to scan USER_SOURCE
starts_multiline_comment function : 5.16.1. Analyzing PL/SQL string content
startup procedure
5.28.6. Tracing PL/SQL code execution startup Integrating PLVexc with PLVtrc
std_delimiters constant : 5.21.1. Package constants
stdout constant : 5.3.1. PL/Vision constants
stg_with_ln function : Modularization inside put_line
stop procedure
5.10.6. Exception handlers The high-level handlers
22.1.9. Halting in PLVexc
stopping bailout process : Starting and stopping the bailout
stopping programs : 22.1.9. Halting in PLVexc
stored code : 5.29. PLVvu: Code and Error Viewing
string constant : 5.3.1. PL/Vision constants
string procedure
5.4.2. Case-converting programs
5.4.2. Case-converting programs
5.21.4. Parsing strings string procedures Converting a string
string_repostype TYPE : 12.2.1. String Source or Target
strings : 5.16. PLVlex: Lexical Analysis
changing case of : (see capitalization)
code repository : 12.2.1. String Source or Target
converting : 6.4.1. Converting Boolean to String
counting atomics of : numatomics function
output prefix : 7.3. The Output Prefix
5.21. PLVprs: String Parsing
10. PLVprs, PLVtkn, and PLVprsps: Parsing Strings
string functions : Default values for string functions
SUBSTR function : A.2.5. Builtin Functions
wrapping : 10.1.4. Wrapping Strings into Paragraphs
stripped function : 5.6.3. Other functions and procedures
help text : 5.14.3. Help text stub generators
generating stubs : (see documentation, online help)
substitution value for NULL
5.3.4. Setting the NULL substitution value
6.1. Null Substitution Value
SUBSTR function
A.2.5. Builtin Functions nth_atomic function
substrings (see strings)
file : 2.4. Organizing Package Source Code
package element names : 2.3.3. Avoiding Superfluous Naming Elements
syn procedure : 5.8.3. Dumping the DDL
synonyms, package : 4.3.6. Granting Access to PL/Vision
System Global Area : (see SGA)

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