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Index: P

p package Supporting many data combinations
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.2. p: a DBMS_OUTPUT Substitute
7. p: A Powerful Substitute for DBMS_OUTPUT
l : (see l procedure)
output from : 7.4. Controlling Output from p
package libraries : 1.5.2. Prebuilt Packages
(see also modularizing)
A.1.6. Builtin Packages
1.1. What Is a PL/SQL Package?
2.9. Modularizing for Maintainable Packages
5.13.6. Generating a package
access to elements : 1.4.4. Access to Package Elements
building : 1.6. Building Packages
built-in : A.2.6. Builtin Packages
codependency : 2.4.1. Creating Codependent Packages
effective coding of : 2. Best Practices for Packages
exception : (see PLVexc packages)
exception section : The exception section
flexibility : 2.6. Building Flexibility Into Your Packages
generating : 16.2.1. Generating a Package
help : (see documentation)
hiding elements of
1.3.1. Enforced Information Hiding
2.7. Building Windows Into Your Packages
2.10. Hiding Package Data
in PL/Vision
4.2. PL/Vision Package Bundles
4.3.5. Creating the PL/Vision Packages
5. PL/Vision Package Specifications
1.6.3. The Initialization Section Asserting the purity level of the initialization section
2.5. Constructing the Optimal Interface to Your Package
2.10.3. Simplifying Package Interfaces
layering : 2.9. Modularizing for Maintainable Packages
memory architecture : 1.4.3. The Memory-Resident Architecture of Packages
memory requirements : 4.3.2. Storage Requirements
multiple, constructing : 2.11. Simultaneous Construction of Multiple Packages
naming : 2.3. Selecting Package Names
online help : (see PLVhlp package)
ordering elements of : 2.2.1. Choosing the Order of Elements
package body
1.6. Building Packages
1.6.2. The Package Body
package specification
1.4.1. The Package Specification
1.6. Building Packages
PL/SQL : 19.2. Declarative Programming in PL/SQL
PLVctlg table : PLVctlg table
recompiling : 2.4. Organizing Package Source Code
referencing elements of : 1.4.2. Referencing Package Elements
synonyms for : 4.3.6. Granting Access to PL/Vision
windows in : 2.7. Building Windows Into Your Packages
working with large : 1.6.4. Working with Large Packages
page size
17.4.2. Setting the Page Size Maintaining the current page variables
online help : 5.14.2. Setting the page size
pagesize function : 17.4.2. Setting the Page Size
5.21.2. Wrapping long strings into paragraphs
10.1.4. Wrapping Strings into Paragraphs
parallelization of programs : Leveraging builtin packages
parameter list : A procedure with parameter list and executable code
PARSE procedure : Open and parse
parse tree : 1.6.4. Working with Large Packages
parse_delete procedure
5.9.3. Bundled, low-level operations Parse for delete
parse_name procedure
5.11.13. Miscellaneous operations
13.2.3. Parsing the File Name
code : 5.22. PLVprsps: PL/SQL Source Code Parsing
delimiter, defining : 10.1.2. Customizing the Delimiter Set
file name : 13.2.3. Parsing the File Name
PL/SQL code : 10.3.2. Parsing PL/SQL Code
program names : 11.3.2. Converting the Program Name
5.16. PLVlex: Lexical Analysis
5.21. PLVprs: String Parsing
10. PLVprs, PLVtkn, and PLVprsps: Parsing Strings
partial installation : 4.4.4. A Warning About Partial Installation
pauding programs : 5.3.6. Miscellaneous programs
pause procedure
5.3.6. Miscellaneous programs
6.4.4. Pausing Your Program
pausing help text (see more procedure)
pausing programs
6.4.4. Pausing Your Program
A.2.6. Builtin Packages
perform_commit procedure
5.7.3. Performing commits
20.1.2. The COMMIT Substitute
perform_rollback function
5.23.3. Performing rollbacks
20.2.4. Performing Rollbacks
A.2.6. Builtin Packages
1.3.6. Performance Improvement
3.10. Choosing the Best Performer
5.27.6. Calibration and timing scripts
14. PLVtmr: Analyzing Program Performance
dynamic PL/SQL : The overhead of dynamic PL/SQL
package size : 1.6.4. Working with Large Packages
permissions : (see access)
1.3.4. Object Persistence Need global data structures for your PL/SQL programs
pinning code into memory : Managing packages in shared memory
pkg procedure
5.13.6. Generating a package
16.2.1. Generating a Package
pky procedure : 5.8.3. Dumping the DDL
call stack : 21.2.2. Accessing the PL/SQL Call Stack
code, parsing : 10.3.2. Parsing PL/SQL Code
declarative programming : 19.2. Declarative Programming in PL/SQL
dynamic code : 19.5.5. Executing Dynamic PL/SQL Code
objects : 11. PLVobj: A Packaged Interface to ALL_OBJECTS
performance and : The overhead of dynamic PL/SQL
reserved words : 5.26. PLVtkn: Token Table Interface
source code repositories : 12. PLVio: Reading and Writing PL/SQL Source Code
tokens : (see reserved words)
PL/Vision : 4.1. What Is PL/Vision?
bindobj procedure in : 11.5.3. Using bindobj in PL/Vision
cataloging : Cataloguing PL/Vision
enhancing PLVexc with : 22.3.4. Revamping the PLVexc Package
installing : 4.3. Installation Instructions
logging : (see logging)
loopexec procedure in : 11.7.4. Applying loopexec in PL/Vision
packages of
4.2. PL/Vision Package Bundles
4.3.5. Creating the PL/Vision Packages
5. PL/Vision Package Specifications
PLVgen and : 16.4.6. Leveraging PL/Vision in PLVgen
PLVmsg with : 9.5.1. Using PLVmsg in PL/Vision
sharing among users : 4.3.6. Granting Access to PL/Vision
tracing : (see tracing)
PL/Vision Lite : 4.2. PL/Vision Package Bundles
placeholder function : 5.9.7. Miscellaneous programs
plsql procedure
5.8.3. Dumping the DDL
5.9.6. Executing dynamic PL/SQL
19.5.5. Executing Dynamic PL/SQL Code
plsql_block function
5.9.7. Miscellaneous programs Implementation of PLVdyn.plsql
plsql_delimiters constant
5.21.1. Package constants
10.1.2. Customizing the Delimiter Set
plsql_identifier variable
5.3.2. Anchoring datatypes
6.5. The Predefined Datatypes Scope of a dynamic PL/SQL block
plsql_string procedure
5.22.3. Parsing PL/SQL source code plsql_string procedure
plug-and-play packages
4.2.3. Plug-and-Play Components
19. PLVdyn and PLVfk: Dynamic SQL and PL/SQL
PLV package : 4.2.1. Building Blocks
constants and functions : 6. PLV: Top-Level Constants and Functions
PLV_token table : 10.2.1. Keeping Track of PL/SQL Keywords
PLVcase package
4.2.2. Developer Utilities
5.4. PLVcase: PL/SQL Code Conversion
18.1. PLVcase: Converting the Case of PL/SQL Programs
PLVcat package
4.2.2. Developer Utilities
5.5. PLVcat: PL/SQL Code Cataloguing
10.3.1. Selecting Token Types for Parsing
18.2. PLVcat: Cataloguing PL/SQL Source Code
references and dependencies : 18.2.4. Identifying References and Dependencies
plvcat.sql script : Cataloguing PL/Vision
PLVchar package : 4.2.1. Building Blocks
PLVchr package : 5.6. PLVchr: Operations on Single Characters
PLVcmt package
4.2.3. Plug-and-Play Components
5.7. PLVcmt: Commit Processing
20.1. PLVcmt: Enhancing Commit Processing Using put_line
PLVctlg table : 18.2.2. The PLVcat Database Tables
PLVddd package
4.2.2. Developer Utilities
5.8. PLVddd: DDL Syntax Dump
PLVdyn package
2.7. Building Windows Into Your Packages
4.2.3. Plug-and-Play Components
4.4.1. Special Handling for PLVdyn
5.9. PLVdyn: Dynamic SQL Operations
19.4. PLVdyn: A Code Layer over DBMS_SQL
compiling code with : Compiling source code with PLVdyn
displaying table contents : 19.5.7. Displaying a Table
schemas and : 19.5.10. Executing PLVdyn in Different Schemas
PLVdyn1 package : 4.2.3. Plug-and-Play Components
PLVexc package
4.2.3. Plug-and-Play Components
5.10. PLVexc: Exception Handling
16.3.5. Using the PLVexc Exception Handler
19.1. About Plug-and-Play Using put_line
22. Exception Handling
enhancing with PL/Vision : 22.3.4. Revamping the PLVexc Package
PLVlog package and : Leveraging PLVLog
PLVmsg with : 9.5. Integrating PLVmsg with Error Handling
PLVtrc package and : Integrating PLVexc with PLVtrc
PLVfile package
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.11. PLVfile: Operating System I/O Manager
13. PLVfile: Reading and Writing Operating System Files
PLVfk package
4.2.3. Plug-and-Play Components
5.12. PLVfk: Foreign Key Interface
19.6. PLVfk: Generic Foreign Key Lookups
PLVgen package
2.2. Using Effective Coding Style for Packages
2.6.2. Toggles for Code Generation
4.2.2. Developer Utilities
5.13. PLVgen: PL/SQL Code Generator
16. PLVgen: Generating PL/SQL Programs
overloading in : 16.4.4. Overloading in PLVgen
plvgrant.sql script : 4.3.6. Granting Access to PL/Vision
PLVhlp : 4.2.2. Developer Utilities
PLVhlp package : 5.1. Common Package Elements
PLVhlp package
4.4. Installing Online Help for PL/Vision
4.5. Using Online Help
5.14. PLVhlp: Online Help Architechture
12.1. Why PLVio? Generating help text stubs
17. PLVhlp: Online Help for PL/SQL Programs
plvins23.sql script : 4.3.5. Creating the PL/Vision Packages
plvinst.sql script : 4.3.5. Creating the PL/Vision Packages
PLVio package
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.15. PLVio: Input/Output Processing
12. PLVio: Reading and Writing PL/SQL Source Code
PLVhlp package and : 17.5.5. Constructing an Online Help Package
PLVlex package
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.16. PLVlex: Lexical Analysis
PLVlog package
2.6.3. Changing Package Behavior Without Changing the Application
4.2.3. Plug-and-Play Components
5.17. PLVlog: Logging Facility
21.1. PLVlog: Logging Activity in PL/SQL Programs
PLVexc package and Logging errors Leveraging PLVLog
rollbacks : 21.1.5. Rolling Back with PLVlog
PLVlst package
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.18. PLVlst: List Manager
PLVmsg package
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.19. PLVmsg: Message Handling
9. PLVmsg: Single-Sourcing PL/SQL Message Text Defining error messages with PLVmsg
PLVobj package
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.20. PLVobj: Object Interface
11. PLVobj: A Packaged Interface to ALL_OBJECTS
PLVprs package
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.21. PLVprs: String Parsing
10.1. PLVprs: Useful String Parsing Extensions
PLVprsps : 4.2.1. Building Blocks
PLVprsps package : 10.3. PLVprsps: Parsing PL/SQL Strings
plvpsyn.sql script : 4.3.6. Granting Access to PL/Vision
PLVrb package
4.2.3. Plug-and-Play Components
5.23. PLVrb: Rollback Processing
20.2. PLVrb: Performing Rollbacks
PLVrfrnc table : Examining the references
PLVstk package
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.24. PLVstk: Stack Manager
PLVtab package
2.6. Building Flexibility Into Your Packages Supporting many data combinations
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.25. PLVtab: Table Interface
8. PLVtab: Easy Access to PL/SQL Tables
PLVtkn package
4.2.1. Building Blocks
5.26. PLVtkn: Token Table Interface
10.2. PLVtkn: Managing PL/SQL Tokens
PLVtmr package
4.2.2. Developer Utilities
5.27. PLVtmr: Program Performance Analyzer
14. PLVtmr: Analyzing Program Performance
16.2.9. Generating a Timer Script Examining the catalogue The overhead of dynamic PL/SQL
PLVtrc package
4.2.3. Plug-and-Play Components
5.28. PLVtrc: Trace Facility
16.3.4. Using the Program Trace
21.2. PLVtrc: Tracing Execution of PL/SQL Programs
PLVexc package and : Integrating PLVexc with PLVtrc
PLVvu package
4.2.2. Developer Utilities
5.29. PLVvu: Code and Error Viewing
15. PLVvu: Viewing Source Code and Compile Errors
17.2. Current Sources of Information
pop procedure : 5.24.3. Modifying stack contents
post-insert savepoint : Setting the post-insert savepoint
pragmas : RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma
EXCEPTION_INIT : 5.10.2. Package-based exceptions
prebuilt packages : 1.5.2. Prebuilt Packages
predefined exceptions : 22.1.3. Impact of Predefined Exceptions
prefix table row value : 8.5. Setting the Display Prefix
prefix function
5.2.3. Setting the line prefix
5.25.6. Setting the row prefix
prefixes to package element names : 2.3.3. Avoiding Superfluous Naming Elements
prependitem procedure : 5.18.3. Modifying list contents
prevmod function
5.28.6. Tracing PL/SQL code execution Previous module
private PL/Vision package synonyms : 4.3.6. Granting Access to PL/Vision
private elements Public and private data
2.7. Building Windows Into Your Packages
2.10. Hiding Package Data
declaring before public : 2.2.1. Choosing the Order of Elements
package elements
1.3.1. Enforced Information Hiding
1.4.4. Access to Package Elements
privileges, DDL execution : 19.4.1. DDL Operations
proc procedure
5.13.7. Generating a procedure
16.2.2. Generating a Procedure
16.4.2. Implementing the Procedure Generator
procedures : (see functions)
execute authority : 1.3.5. Guaranteeing Transaction Integrity
16.2.2. Generating a Procedure
16.4.2. Implementing the Procedure Generator
help : Generating a help procedure
process_halted exception
5.10.2. Package-based exceptions
22.1.10. Bailing Out with PLVexc
22.1.2. Package-Based Exceptions
productivity : 4.1.1. The Benefits of PL/Vision
programming technique
A. Appendix: PL/SQL Exercises
1.2.1. The Iceberg Approach to Coding numinstr function
analyzing performance : (see performance)
avoiding hard-coded literals : 3.12. Obliterating the Literals
avoiding redundancy : (see redundancy)
backward compatibility
3.3. Supplying Backward Compatibility
3.11. Don't Forget Backward Compatibility
coding packages : 2. Best Practices for Packages
consistent error data : Recording consistent error data
cover package : 1.6.4. Working with Large Packages
declarative programming : 19.2. Declarative Programming in PL/SQL
handling exceptions : 22.3.1. Analyzing the Need
handling fatal errors : 22.1.10. Bailing Out with PLVexc
hard-coded transaction processing : 20.1.1. Who Needs PLVcmt?
logging : (see logging)
modularizing : 2.9. Modularizing for Maintainable Packages
object-oriented design : 1.3.2. Object-Oriented Design
overloading : 2.8.1. When to Overload
simultaneous package construction : 2.11. Simultaneous Construction of Multiple Packages
testing/debugging : The test/debug cycle in PL/SQL
toggles : 2.6.1. Toggling Package Behavior
top-down design : 1.3.3. Top-Down Design
user interface : 3.4. Improving the User Interface
using package initialization section : When to use the initialization section
using packages : 1.6.1. When Should You Build a Package?
windows : 2.7. Building Windows Into Your Packages
programs : (see code)
ps2db procedure
5.17.6. Managing the log Transferring a PL/SQL table log to a database table
ps_callstack function
5.28.5. Accessing the PL/SQL call stack
21.2.2. Accessing the PL/SQL Call Stack
ps_module function
5.28.5. Accessing the PL/SQL call stack
21.2.2. Accessing the PL/SQL Call Stack
psformat procedure : 4.1.2. The Origins of PL/Vision
pstab constant : 5.3.1. PL/Vision constants
pstab2file procedure
5.11.11. Copying a file
13.7.4. Copying PL/SQL Table to File
pstab_count function
5.17.6. Managing the log Counting and clearing the PL/SQL table
public PL/Vision package synonyms : 4.3.6. Granting Access to PL/Vision
public data package elements : 1.4.4. Access to Package Elements
public elements Public and private data
2.7. Building Windows Into Your Packages
2.10. Hiding Package Data
2.10.4. When to Make Data Public
anchored declarations : 2.10.5. Anchoring to Public Variables
declaring before private : 2.2.1. Choosing the Order of Elements
package elements
1.3.1. Enforced Information Hiding
1.4.1. The Package Specification
purity levels : RESTRICT_REFERENCES pragma
push procedure : 5.24.3. Modifying stack contents
PUT_LINE package
(see also p package)
7. p: A Powerful Substitute for DBMS_OUTPUT
5.2. p: a DBMS_OUTPUT Substitute
put_line procedure
5.11.10. Writing to a file
5.15.7. Reading and writing lines
5.17.4. Writing to the log
12.7. Writing to the Target
13.6. Writing to a File
16.4.3. put_line Procedure
21.1.2. Writing to the Log
specifying rollbacks : Specifying rollbacks when calling put_line
PUT_LINE procedure : Supporting many data combinations
put_line repository : 12.7.3. Displaying the Target Repository

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