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Emergent Online
EOL Desktop Manager, Securing the Desktop
EOL Universal Printer, Local Client Printers
enabling Active Desktop, Server Settings
defined, ICA Encryption
degrees of, General
General tab, General
ICA protocol, ICA Encryption
IPSec, IPSec
perimeter networks, ICA Encryption
public networks, ICA Encryption
remote logon, Remote Logon
128-bit, Encryption
56-bit, Encryption
Encsvc.exe., see encryption service
end a disconnected session counter, Sessions
end user devices
working with Web Interface for MetaFrame XP, Usage
end user support
ending sessions., see sessions, disconnecting
endurance tests, Test Criteria
enhanced metafile format
Enterprise Server
EnumGroup function, Functions
EnumLocalGroup function, Functions
Environment tab
configuring sessions, Environment
Terminal Services, Environment
Canaveral iQ, Architecture, Installation
client/server. , see also architectures, client/server
integrating Windows Forms applications, Windows Forms Application Integration
MetaFrame Secure Access Manager, Architecture
EOL Desktop Manager, Securing the Desktop
EOL Universal Printer (printer driver), Local Client Printers
error messages
written to Event Viewer, Local Client Printers
error tolerance
options in terminal server environment, Infrastructure Assessment
program start, Program Start Errors
event logs
Event Viewer, Event Logs
error messages written to, Local Client Printers
handling logs, Handling Logs
modifying for multiuser environments, Event Viewer, Handling Logs
terminal servers, Audit Policy
logged by terminal servers, Event Types and Related Information
recording, Event Logs
Excel 2000
allocation to user groups, Calculating Resources
Exceptions administration object
Exchange., see microsoft exchange
execution mode
returning terminal servers to, Restoring Execution Mode, Important
Explorer.exe (process)
multiple users, Services and Drivers
Export List (server connection option), Server Connection Options
expressing metrics status
Citrix Resource Manager, Citrix Resource Management
eXtensible Markup Language., see xml
configuring computers, Computer Configuration
configuring users, User Configuration
external connector (EC) licenses, External Connector License
external users
including in terminal server environment, Project Integration and Corporate Architecture

Team LiB
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