radio buttons re variable reading server data, with Ajax readonly HTML attribute
references [See also JavaScript, genealogy and reference ; resources.] Ajax in Action CSS references Head Rush Ajax HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Sixth Edition Java 2 for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide JavaScript and DHTML Cookbook JavaScript, The Definitive Guide Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web, Second Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide ppk on JavaScript The JavaScript Anthology: 101 Essential Tips, Tricks and Hacks YUI Library referrer pages refreshing server data, with Ajax RegExp
[See regular expressions (RegExp).] RegExp object
regular expressions (RegExp) [See also browser windows.] as main modifiers defined elements, replacing with email addresses, validating file names, validating RegExp object special characters in strings extracting formatting formatting and sorting formatting and validating URLs, validating relative sizes in CSS replace() method 2nd request headers, setting reserved words in JavaScript variables and Reset button resizeTo() command resources books
[See references.] JavaScript Usenet Newsgroup Web sites Ajax Atlas framework toolkit Bare Bones Software bookmarklets Core JavaScript Guide 1.5 Core JavaScript Reference 1.5 Counter's Global Statistics CSS DHTML Dojo toolkit DOM-2 DOM-3 ECMAScript bindings FABridge (Flex-Ajax Bridge) Google Maps Mania Google Suggest JavaScript World Scripting Forums JavaScript, getting started in Microsoft's scripting language page MochiKit Mozilla sites 2nd QuirksMode Venkman Mozilla JavaScript debugger W3C 2nd Web standards Web Standards Project's DOM Scripting Task Force Willison, Simon Yahoo! Design Pattern Library Yahoo! User Interface Library 2nd Weblogs Ajaxian DOM Scripting: The Blog Musings from Mars weblog Yahoo! User Interface Blog 2nd responseXML property RGB values, converting to hex rollovers building three-state creating creating effective creating simple defined multiple new vs. old-style JavaScript and single, triggering with multiple links triggering from text links rules and CSS defined embedding in other style rules