cache files, browser caching peculiarities, Ajax calculator, bookmarklet calendars, adding with YUI Library 1-up calendars 2-up calendars calling scripts multiple ways Car Picker script caret (^) operator, in RegExp Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) absolute positioning using background images, adding changing fonts with class/id attribute and defined embedding style rules history of id selectors, adding to invalid form elements and links, enhancing Reference sizes, relative and absolute specifications/standards style sheet switcher style sheets/styles, adding text, formatting with Unobtrusive Scripting and Cascading Style Sheets: The Definitive Guide, Second Edition case sensitivity in IE in JavaScript Castro, Elizabeth 2nd CGI
[See Common Gateway Interface (CGI).] characters modifiers special characters accented in RegExp to define id selector charAt() method charCodeAt() method Cheat Sheets child pages, defined class attribute defined 2nd input tag and required fields and classes, CSS basics of pseudo-classes defined listed clicks double-clicks mouse clicks
[See mouse events.] client-side language, JavaScript as client-side programs, defined cloneNode color changing background properties Web-safe cols attribute comments, placing in scripts Common Gateway Interface (CGI) defined for JavaScript-impaired users for reading/writing on servers learning to write password validation and Perl and CGI for the World Wide Web, Second Edition: Visual QuickStart Guide submitting email address to conditionals basics of multi-level confirm() method container utility contentType property cookies basics of deleting format for multiple handling multiple "New to You" messages, displaying reading setting showing using as counters Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 2nd Core JavaScript Guide and Reference countdowns, creating counter variable, defined counters, using cookies as Crane, Dave createElement() function createTextNode() function CSS
[See Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).] cycling banners adding links to creating