only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile

Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL


 HAVING clause
 header( )
 browser redirection and
 credentials and
 debugging and
 insertion script and
 starting sessions and
 heading( ) , 2nd
 heterogeneous arrays
 hexadecimal system
 home page for the winestore application , 2nd
 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
 embedded links and
 templates and
 W3C validator for
 HTML <form> environment
 HTML <pre> formatted text tag , 2nd
 HTML <table> environment , 2nd
 HTML receipts , 2nd
 shipping.2 script and , 2nd
 HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) , 2nd  , 3rd
 HTTP authentication
 PHP and
 problems with
 HTTP redirection
 HTTP requests , 2nd
 HTTP responses
 HTTP servers , 2nd
 Hypertext Markup Language
only for RuBoard - do not distribute or recompile