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Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL


 caching responses
 callback functions
 calling pages
 cart.1 script (winestore home page) , 2nd
 cart.2 script (displaying shopping cart) , 2nd
 cart.3 script (adding items to shopping cart)
 cart.4 script (emptying shopping cart)
 cart.5 script (browser redirection) , 2nd
 cart.6 script (updating quantities in shopping cart) , 2nd
 cartesian product
 Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), templates and
 case study
 case, changing
 caseCount( )
 casting operators
 ceil( )
 creating for ApacheSSL
 challenge method
 character lists
 special characters and
 charAt( )
 checkdate( ) , 2nd
 checkdnsrr( )
 cipher suites
 clean( ) , 2nd
 preprocessing user data and
 session variables and
 updating shopping cart quantities and
 client entry <form>
 script for
 client tier , 2nd
 managing state in
 resources for further reading
 validation in
 client-server architecture
 client-side validation
 performance and , 2nd
 clients, thick vs. thin , 2nd
 cmp_length( )
 combined scripts
 command interpreter for MySQL
 commit and rollback processing
 compare( )
 comparison operators
 concat( )
 concurrent access
 conditional expressions
 conditional statements
 connection handles
 containsblanks( )
 control characters
 control flow functions
 not setting for session management
 turning off
 count( ) , 2nd
 CREATE DATABASE statement , 2nd
 CREATE TABLE statement , 2nd
 formatted output
 PHP scripts
 with visual appeal
 winestore application with SQL
 cron tables
 crond daemon
 crypt( ) , 2nd
 salt string to
 using password( ) instead of
 resources for further reading
 SSL protocol and
 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), templates and
 current( )
 customer.1 script (validation)
 customer.2 script (data entry)
 customer.3 script (receipt)
 validation script for
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