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Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL


 salt string , 2nd  , 3rd
 script tags, debugging and
 scripting languages , 2nd
 engine for
 adding multiple queries to
 for customer management
 for the winestore application , 2nd  , 3rd
 search.1 script (browsing wines) , 2nd
 Secure Socket Layer protocol
 security , 2nd  , 3rd
 importance of
 resources for further reading
 sessions and
 select lists
 SELECT statement
 selectDistinct( ) , 2nd
 browsing and
 client entry <form> and
 semicolon ending statements, debugging and
 send_confirmation_email( )
 serializing values
 server variables
 server-side validation
 performance and
 session cookies
 session handlers
 session hijacking
 session IDs (session identifiers) , 2nd
 session management , 2nd
 database tier and
 security and
 session time-outs
 session variables , 2nd
 authorization script for
 saving last-entered values as
 storing in database tier
 session-based applications, building
 session.use_cookies parameter
 session_destroy( ) , 2nd
 session_id( ) , 2nd
 session_is_registered( )
 session_register( )
 session_set_save_handler( )
 session_start( )
 session_unregister( )
 session_unset( )
 sessionClose( )
 sessionOpen( )
 sessionRead( )
 PHP functions for accessing
 reasons for using/not using
 sessionWrite( )
 set_error_handler( ) , 2nd
 setcookie( ) , 2nd
 debugging and
 setting/unsetting variables
 settype( )
 setupQuery( )
 shipping wines
 shipping.1 script (email receipt) , 2nd
 shipping.2 script (HTML receipt)
 shipping.3 script (order receipt)
 shopping cart
 adding items to
 converting items in to orders , 2nd
 displaying contents of , 2nd
 emptying , 2nd
 housekeeping for
 updating quantities in , 2nd
 short-circuit evaluation property
 SHOW command
 show_HTML_receipt( )
 showCart( )
 showerror( ) , 2nd  , 3rd
 showLogin( )
 showMessage( ) , 2nd
 showPanel( )
 showPricing( ) , 2nd
 showVarieties( ) , 2nd  , 3rd
 browsing and
 vs. showPricing( )
 showWines( )
 Smarty PHP template engine
 sort( )
 space( )
 split( )
 spreadsheets, vs. databases
 sprintf( )
 SQL (Structured Query Language) , 2nd  , 3rd
 components of
 converting E/R model to
 queries and
 winestore application, creating with
 working with MySQL and
 SQL interpreter
 SQL server (Microsoft)
 srand( ) , 2nd
 SSL protocol
 installing Apache to use
start/end tags
 include statement and
 starvation problem
 building applications to maintain
 stateless applications, building
 stored procedures
 str_pad( )
 str_replace( )
 strcasecmp( )
 strcmp( ) , 2nd  , 3rd
 strftime( )
 string assignments
 string clean( )
 string comparison operators/functions
 string crypt( )
 string getCustomerID( )
 string literals , 2nd
 string mysql_tablename( )
 string session_id( )
 string showWine( )
 converting to timestamp , 2nd
 converting to/from integers
 splitting into an array
 stristr( )
 strlen( )
 strncasecmp( )
 strncmp( )
 strpos( ) , 2nd
 strrchr( )
 strrpos( )
 strstr( )
 strtotime( ) , 2nd
 strtr( )
 Structured Query Language
 strval( )
 subject string
 subsecond times
 substr( ) , 2nd
 substr_replace( )
 substring( )
 replacing , 2nd
 support functions
 swapping memory
 switch statement
 synchronization, problems with caused by sessions
 system requirements for the winestore application
 system( )
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