earlyStartup 2nd Eclipse and the JRE Bugzilla 2nd command-line switches configuration CVS Repository developing in one version for another downloading early use of Swing Easter Eggs Example plug-ins Getting Started Installing integration builds memory allocation memory usage milestone builds modifying the base modifying to find part identifiers newsgroup nightly builds projects release notes Research RFRS SDK setup shortcut structural overview submitting changes supported platforms supporting multiple versions Web site Wiki Workbench Overview workspace location Eclipse Application configuration 2nd Eclipse Plug-in Central Eclipse plug-in site Eclipse products Eclipse Rich Client Platform book Eclipse-AutoStart Eclipse-LazyStart ECLIPSE21_HOME 2nd ECLIPSE30_HOME 2nd 3rd ECLIPSE31_HOME 2nd ECLIPSE32_HOME ECLIPSE_HOME 2nd 3rd EclipseCon EclipseProfiler eclipsetools.getclasspath 2nd eclipsetools.preprocessor 2nd 3rd EclipseUML Edit > Content Assist command Edit menu 2nd 3rd 4th editElement editor class command contentTypeBinding contributorClass default extensions filenames icon id launcher matchingStrategy name Editor preferences Editor Selection dialog 2nd EditorActionBarContributor class extends editorContribution id targetID EditorInputTransfer EditorPart class methods Editors accelerators Actions 2nd active active editor Ant area associating file types cell editors cell modifiers cell validator change listeners Class File clipboard clipboard actions Coloring editor Compilation Unit content provider context menu 2nd contributor CVS comparison declaration default editor Default Text dirty dispose editing a Java file editing vs. selecting editorContribution example external feature manifest flicker global actions 2nd Go to Line command id IEditorActionDelegate image init 2nd introduction isDirty Java Java Attribute 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Java Editor label provider launcher lifecycle linking methods model obtaining progress monitor opening from a selection part PHP plug-in plug-in manifest editor Quick Fix references RFRS save saving content schema Show Source of Selected Element Only Snippet tabbed Templates toolbar top-level menu 2nd undo XMLBuddy Editors preferences ElementListSelectionDialog ElementTreeSelectionDialog Email creating generating enabled breakpoint enablement, decorator 2nd enableOperation enablesFor 2nd Encapsulate Field command Enclosing projects scope Entries per file field Environment page ENVY .epf file EPiC Equinox project Error Log view 2nd ErrorDialog 2nd Errors/Warnings preferences EvaluationResult.NOT_LOADED event.doit Exception handling, extension points ExceptionDetailsDialog 2nd exec Executable extensions execute 2nd executeMethod ExecuteMethodActionDelegate ExecutionException Existing Projects into Workspace option expandAll expandToLevel Export > Preferences wizard Export wizard Export-Package Exporting Packages 2nd Expressions view .exsd file extending the functionality of another plug-in Extensible Markup Language extension extension attribute properties Based On Kind Name Restriction Translatable Type Use Value Extension Points Extension points <code> <pre> <samp> 2nd abstract base class vs. interface Class.forName cleanup coding com.qualityeclipse.favorites.popupMenu createExecutable createExecutableExtension defined defining dispose documentation 2nd documentation formatting editing extensions element grammar elements and attributes exception handling executable extensions extension example fast fail getConfigurationElementsFor getExtensionPoint introduction lazy initialization 2nd log errors manifest editor page mechanism org.Eclipse.actionSetPartAssociations 2nd org.eclipse.core.resources.markers org.eclipse.core.resources.natures org.eclipse.ui.actionSets org.eclipse.ui.decorators org.eclipse.ui.editorActions org.eclipse.ui.editors org.eclipse.ui.exportWizards org.eclipse.ui.ide.markerHelp org.eclipse.ui.ide.markerResolution org.eclipse.ui.ide.projectNatureImages org.eclipse.ui.importWizards org.eclipse.ui.newWizards 2nd org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions 2nd 3rd org.eclipse.ui.perspectives 2nd org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages org.eclipse.ui.propertyPages org.eclipse.ui.startup 2nd 3rd org.eclipse.ui.viewActions org.eclipse.ui.views 2nd overview page parsing perspectives Platform proving enhancements proxies Registry RFRS schema 2nd Show only Extension points from required 2nd unique identifier usage example using wizards Extension Points page extension, viewerContribution extension-point id name schema extensions Extensions page 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th extensions, editor External Plug-ins External Programs radio button External Tools command external_build.bat file Externalize Strings strings to externalize list Externalize Strings wizard class name field common prefix Configure button described error messages Ignore button Internalize button package field property file name field proposed changes string substitution pattern Extract Constant command Extract Constant refactoring Extract Interface command Extract Local Variable command Extract Method command Extract Strings wizard extracting strings from Java source ExtractStringsWizard