pack 2nd 3rd Package Explorer view 2nd 3rd 4th Packages view page adaptable category 2nd 3rd 4th class 2nd 3rd 4th icon id 2nd 3rd 4th name 2nd 3rd 4th nameFilter objectClass pageChange 2nd pageSelectionChanged Paint event PaintListener Parameterized Types Parameters page ParcPlace parentCategory, category parseType Part Identifiers Part Identifiers, utility PartInitException 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th PartSite 2nd 3rd Password Paste paste 2nd PasteFavoritesAction Path path path, menu 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th PathEditor Paths, example Patterns singleton templates thrid-party plug-ins type-safe enumeration PDE Build process PDE Tools > Create Ant Build File command PDE Tools > Externalize Strings... command PDE views pde.exportPlugins performCancel performDefaults 2nd performFinish 2nd performOk 2nd 3rd performOperation persistentProperty Person class 2nd example PersonListLabelProvider 2nd PersonTableLabelProvider PersonTreeContentProvider perspective class icon id name perspectiveExtension Perspectives adding action sets adding placeholders adding shortcuts adding views createFolder createInitialLayout creating CVS Repository Exploring Debug 2nd declaring enhancing existing factories getEditorArea IFolderLayout IPageLayout IPerspectiveFactory 2nd Java 2nd 3rd Java Browsing layout New opening org.eclipse.ui.perspectiveExtensions overview page layout Resource 2nd 3rd 4th 5th RFRS Perspectives preferences perspectiveShortcut PHP plug-in Platform class 2nd 3rd 4th class getConfigurationLocation getExtensionRegistry getJobManager resources platform PlatformUI 2nd 3rd class 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th getActiveWorkbenchWindow getShell getWorkbench plug-in as a single JAR file Plug-in class loader Plug-in Code Generators page Plug-in Dependencies view Plug-in Details button Plug-in Details dialog Plug-in Development Environment Plug-in development projects plug-in fragment plug-in JAR file Plug-in loading 2nd Plug-in Manifest editor Plug-in Manifest editor, Extensions page plug-in manifest, in relation to runtime classpath Plug-in Project Content page Plug-in Project wizard Plug-in Registry view Plug-in view Plug-in with a view option Plug-ins access cached plug-in information class class visibility configuration directory configuration files converting URLs Core currently installed dialog Directory directory name extension registry External favorites plug-in finding finding resources from id Help JAR file JDT core JDT UI JFace lazy initialization Loader Manifest manifest editor page org.eclipse.jdt.ui PDE View precedence preferences resources runtime start 2nd state State information
[See Workspace, metadata.] stop 2nd 3rd 4th SWT team testing tests Workbench core Workbench UI workspace Plug-ins page Plug-ins view Plugin AbstractUIPlugin class 2nd 3rd 4th detecting disabled early startup disabling early startup early startup example find getStateLocation openStream preferences resources shutdown startup plugin class download-size feature fragment id 2nd import install-size name provider-name requires version 2nd .plugin directory file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th plugin.xml actions in reverse order class declaration comparing versions declaration dependencies 2nd extensions and extension points file 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th identifier internationalization name and provider requires version plugin.xml page 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th plugin_customization.ini file 2nd file 2nd plugins directory 2nd 3rd pluginState PluginTransfer PluginVersionIdentifier Point Pollinate Popup menu 2nd 3rd PopupMenuExtender pref_store.ini file 2nd 3rd Preference Pages dabel decorations errors/warnings target platform PreferenceConstants 2nd preferenceCustomization PreferenceInitializer 2nd PreferencePage class 2nd 3rd 4th 5th validating Preferences accessing adding property change listeners API createFieldEditors default values Boolean double float int long String defaults defaults in code defaults in file editing manually 2nd example page field editors FieldEditorPreferencePage 2nd getPluginPreferences 2nd getStateLocation import and export initializeDefaultPluginPreferences 2nd IPreferenceStore IWorkbenchPreferencePage Java listening for changes nested pages page page declaration pages for a product pref_store.ini 2nd 3rd PreferencePage 2nd 3rd 4th Preferences preferences.ini removing property change listeners reusing property pages as preference pages RFRS savePluginPreferences saving if subclass of plugin storage tabbed pages validating validation values current default default-default view integration Workbench Workbench Preferences dialog XML storage Preferences dialog 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th preferences.ini file 2nd 3rd file prepareToSave Preprocessor 2nd 3rd presentsDefaultValue PrintWriter 2nd Problems view 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th processing resource change events product aboutImage aboutText application appName description name preferenceCustomization windowImages Product branding Product Configuration dialog accessing alternatives Disable task Enable task Scan for Updates task Show Properties task productizing Profiling, EclipseProfiler Program 2nd 3rd Progress displaying monitor Progress Monitor example 2nd example subprogress example subtask obtaining setCanceled status bar used for long-running operations wizard Progress view ProgressMonitorDialog 2nd ProgressMonitorPart ProgressMonitorWrapper Project > Rebuild Project command .project file 2nd 3rd 4th Project menu Project naming Project natures ProjectClassLoader projectDescription ProjectLocationMoveDialog ProjectLocationSelectionDialog projectNature projectPersistentProperty Projects Checking out from CVS creation description feature Java Build Path natures types of Projects > Clean... command Projects page projectSessionProperty PROP_DIRTY Properties Ant creating displaying in the Properties dialog displaying in the Properties view example 2nd filters getPersistentProperty getSessionProperty in resources IPropertyChangeListener IResource properies API IWorkbenchPropertyPage opening properties dialogs persistent persistentProperty action attribute projectPersistentProperty action attribute projectSessionProperty action attribute Properties view API property page creation property page declaration PropertyPage resource reusing property pages as preference pages RFRS session sessionProperty action attribute setPersistentProperty setSessionProperty Show Advanced command Properties dialog 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th Properties view API cell validation displaying properties 2nd grammar element new element save immediately schema editor simple modification tasks ungrouped properties PropertiesAuditorNature PropertiesEditor PropertiesEditorCell-Modifier PropertiesEditorCellModifier PropertiesEditorContentProvider PropertiesEditorContributor 2nd PropertiesEditorLabelProvider PropertiesFileAuditor 2nd 3rd PropertiesOutlinePage PropertyCategory 2nd 3rd propertyChange 2nd PropertyChangeEvent 2nd PropertyDescriptor, methods PropertyElement class 2nd extends 2nd PropertyEntry 2nd PropertyFile 2nd PropertyFileListener 2nd propertyNames PropertyPage 2nd provider-name, feature Pull Up command Push Down command