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Book Cover
Google™.pedia: The Ultimate Google Resource
By Michael  Miller
Publisher: Que
Pub Date: July 11, 2006
Print ISBN-10: 0-7897-3639-X
Print ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-3639-0
Pages: 816

Table of Contents  | Index

   About the Author
   We Want to Hear from You!
   Reader Services
      What's in This Book
      Who Can Use This Book
      How to Use This Book
      Get Ready to Google!
    Part I:  Basic Searches
          Chapter 1.  Inside Google
      Getting to Know Google, Inc.
      How Google Works
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 2.  Searching the Web
      Conducting a Basic Search
      Conducting a More Refined Search
      Using the Advanced Search Page
      Narrowing Your Search Results with URL Parameters
      Other Ways to Query Google
      Tips for More Effective Searches
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 3.  Searching the Google Directory
      What the Google Directory IsAnd What It Isn't
      Navigating the Google Directory
      The Bottom Line
    Part II:  Specialized Searches
          Chapter 4.  Searching for People and Phone Numbers
      Searching for People by Name
      Searching for People by Phone Number
      Searching for Personal InformationAnd Home Pages
      Googling Yourself
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 5.  Searching for Financial Information
      Searching via the Standard Search Box
      Using Google Finance
      Discussing Finances in Google Finance Groups
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 6.  Searching Blogs and Blog Postings
      How Google Blog Search Works
      How to List Your Blog with Google Blog Search
      Searching for BlogsAnd Blog Posts
      Fine-Tuning Your Blog Search Query
      Subscribing to Blog Search Results
      Reading Blog Feeds with Google Reader
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 7.  Searching for Scholarly Information
      How Google Scholar Works
      Understanding Google Scholar Search Results
      Searching Google Scholar
      Linking to Information at Your Library
      Expanding Google Scholar
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 8.  Searching for University, Technical, and Government Information
      Using Google's University Search
      Using Google's Special Technology Searches
      Using Google U.S. Government Search
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 9.  Searching for Words and Definitions
      Using a "What Is" Search
      Using the Google Glossary
      Finding Similar Words with Google Sets
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 10.  Searching for Other Special Information
      Searching for Facts
      Searching for Weather Information
      Searching for Travel Information
      Searching for Numbers
      Searching for Movies
      Searching for Music
      The Bottom Line
    Part III:  Additional Search Features
          Chapter 11.  Customizing Google and the Google Home Page
      Setting Google Search Preferences
      Creating Your Own Personalized Homepage
      Making Google Your Home Page
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 12.  Making Google Safe for Kids
      How SafeSearch Filtering Works
      Enabling the SafeSearch Filter
      When Not to Use SafeSearch
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 13.  Using Google in Other Languages
      Searching for Language- and Country-Specific Pages
      Displaying Google in Another Language
      Using Country-Specific Google Sites
      Translating Text and Web Pages from One Language to Another
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 14.  Using Google As a Calculator and Converter
      Performing Basic Calculations from the Google Search Box
      Performing Advanced Calculations
      Looking Up the Values of Constants
      Converting Units of Measure
      An Easier Way to Calculate
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 15.  Keeping Updated with Google Alerts
      Different Kinds of Alerts
      Signing Up for Alerts
      Customizing and Editing Your Alerts
      Deleting Google Alerts
      The Bottom Line
    Part IV:  Shopping and Product Searches
          Chapter 16.  Searching for Bargains with Froogle and Google Catalogs
      Froogle: It's Different from Other Price Comparison Sites
      Searching for the Lowest Prices
      Shopping for Local Bargains
      Using Froogle's Merchant Reviews
      Creating Your Own Froogle Shopping List
      Shopping Online with Google Catalogs
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 17.  Buying and SellingOnline and Locallywith Google Base
      Understanding Google Base
      What's Not Permitted on Google Base
      Finding Items on Google Base
      Selling Items on Google Base
      Uploading Bulk Items
      The Bottom Line
    Part V:  Maps and Directions
          Chapter 18.  Using Google Maps
      Introducing Google Maps
      Searching for Maps
      Navigating a Google Map
      Displaying Satellite Images
      Sharing Maps
      Displaying Driving Directions
      Setting Your Default Location
      Finding Nearby Businesses
      Using Google Maps on Your Cell Phone
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 19.  Using Google Map Mashups
      Finding Google Map Mashups
      News and Weather Mashups
      Local Information and Services
      Food, Dining, and Entertainment
      WiFi and Cellular
      Demographic Information
      Colleges and Universities
      Photo Maps
      Sports and Training
      Celebrity Sightings
      Other FunAnd InformativeMashups
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 20.  Using Google Earth
      Which Version Is for You?
      Introducing Google Earth
      Navigating Google Earth
      Taking a Quick Tour of Google Earth
      Making Google Earth More Three-Dimensional
      Configuring View Options
      Saving and Printing a View
      Searching for Locations to View
      Displaying Driving Directions
      Displaying and Using Layers
      Displaying Points of Interest
      Creating Custom Placemarks
      Measuring Distance Along a Path
      Using Google Earth with GPS Devices
      The Bottom Line
    Part VI:  Communications Services
          Chapter 21.  Sending and Receiving Email with Gmail
      What Makes Gmail Unique
      Signing Up (It's Free!)
      Getting to Know the Gmail Interface
      Sending and Receiving Email
      Searching Your Inbox
      Other Ways of Organizing Your Email Messages
      Filtering Incoming Mail
      Dealing with Spam and Viruses
      Working with Contacts
      Using Gmail with Other Email Programs and Accounts
      Putting Gmail into Vacation Mode
      Viewing RSS Feeds in Gmail
      Adding a Signature to Your Messages
      Getting Notified of New Gmail Messages
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 22.  Instant Messaging with Google Talk and Gmail Chat
      Instant Messaging with Google Talk
      Chatting via Gmail with Gmail Chat
      Using Google Talk with Other IM Networks
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 23.  Using Blogger
      How Blogs Are Organized
      Getting to Know Blogger
      Creating a Blog
      Viewing Your Blog
      Posting New Blog Entries
      Blogging from the Google Toolbar
      Editing Your Posts
      Managing CommentsAnd Fighting Spam
      Syndicating Your Blog
      Making Money from Your Blog
      Changing Where Your Blog Is Hosted
      Changing Templates
      Modifying Blogger Templates with HTML and Blogger Tags
      How Popular Is Your Blog?
      The Bottom Line
    Part VII:  Multimedia
          Chapter 24.  Searching Google Images
      Searching for Images
      Viewing Image Search Results
      Saving and Printing Images
      Filtering Out Dirty Pictures
      Removing Your Images from Image Search
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 25.  Downloading Video Entertainment from Google Video
      Searching for and Downloading Videos
      Viewing Videos
      Watching Videos You've Downloaded
      Downloading Videos to Portable Devices
      Distributing Your Own Videos via the Google Video Upload Program
      The Bottom Line
    Part VIII:  Other Google Services
          Chapter 26.  Using Google Answers
      Understanding Google Answers
      Asking Questionsand Viewing Answers
      Clarifying Your QuestionAnd Your Answers
      Ratings, Refunds, and Reposts
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 27.  Using Google Book Search
      The Story Behind Google Book Search
      SearchingAnd ViewingBook Content
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 28.  Using Google Groups
      The History of Usenet and Google Groups
      Searching the Newsgroups
      Participating in Google Groups
      Creating Your Own Google Group
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 29.  Using Google News
      Viewing the Latest Headlines and Stories
      Viewing International News
      Personalizing Google News
      Searching for News Articles
      Reading Google News Feeds
      Signing Up for News Alerts
      Getting News on the Go
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 30.  Using Google Mobile Services
      Searching Google on Your Web-Enabled Mobile Phone
      Searching Google via Text Messaging
      Downloading Google Maps and Directions on Your Mobile Phone
      Viewing Google News on Your Mobile Phone
      Sending and Receiving Gmail on Your Mobile Phone
      Searching Froogle on Your Mobile Phone
      Personalizing Your Google Mobile Home Page
      The Bottom Line
    Part IX:  Google Software Tools
          Chapter 31.  Using the Google Toolbar
      Getting to Know the Google Toolbar
      Using Google Toolbar's Default Buttons
      Customizing the Google Toolbar
      Other Ways to Search Google from Your Web Browser
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 32.  Using Google Desktop
      Welcome to the Google Desktop
      Searching Your Hard Disk
      Searching within Microsoft Outlook
      Searching Other Computers on Your Network
      Searching the Web from Google Desktop
      Using the Google Desktop Sidebar
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 33.  Using Google Calendar
      All About Google Calendar
      Setting Up Your Google Calendar
      Viewing Your Calendar
      Working with Events
      Creating a Public Calendar
      Searching Your CalendarAnd Public Calenders
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 34.  Using Picasa
      Installing and Configuring the Program
      Getting to Know the Picasa Desktop
      Organizing Your Photos
      Fixing Common Photo Problems
      Saving Your Changes
      Printing and Sharing Your Photos
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 35.  Using Google Pack
      What's in Google Pack?
      Installing Google PackAnd Keeping It Up-to-Date
      Using the Google Pack Screensaver
      Using the Third-Party Software in Google Pack
      The Bottom Line
    Part X:  Google for Businesses
          Chapter 36.  Submitting Your SiteAnd Increasing Your Ranking
      How to Submit Your Site to the Google IndexThe Easy Way
      How to Remove Your Site from the Google Index
      How to Submit a Complete Sitemap
      How to Optimize Your Site's Ranking
      How Not to Optimize Your Site's Ranking
      Using Search Engine Optimizers
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 37.  Making Money with Google AdSense and AdWords
      Adding Advertising to Your Website with Google AdSense
      Advertising on Google with Google AdWords
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 38.  Using Google Within Your Organization
      Searching the Corporate Network with the Google Toolbar for Enterprise
      Searching the Corporate Network with Google Desktop for Enterprise
      Searching Small Business Data with the Google Mini
      Adding Enterprise-wide Search with the Google Search Appliance
      Creating Geo Data with Google Earth Enterprise
      Creating 3D Models with Google SketchUp
      The Bottom Line
    Part XI:  Google for Developers
          Chapter 39.  Adding Google to Your Website
      Adding Google Free WebSearch
      Adding Google Free SafeSearch
      Adding Google Free WebSearch with SiteSearch
      Adding Customizable Google Free WebSearch
      Adding Site-Flavored Google Search
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 40.  Creating Custom Search Applications
      Developing Your Own Google-Based Applications
      Programming with the Google Webs API
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 41.  Creating Google Map Mashups
      Creating MashupsThe Easy Way
      Programming with the Google Maps API
      The Bottom Line
    Part XII:  Into the Future
          Chapter 42.  Exploring Google Labs
      Projects That Started in the Labs
      What's Cooking in Google Labs Today
      Other Upcoming Google Projects
      The Bottom Line
          Chapter 43.  Beyond Search: What's Next for Google
      Google vs. Microsoft: Developing Competition
      Google vs. Yahoo!: Even More Competition
      What Does Google Want to Be When It Grows Up?
      The Bottom Line
    Part XIII:  Appendixes
          Appendix A.  Google's Site Directory
          Appendix B.  Google's Country-Specific Sites
          Appendix C.  Google's Advanced Search Operators

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